Accenture Interview Questions
Accenture is one of the top IT firms in India and the world’s leading management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company. Accenture has experience in a variety of key business areas, including customer relationship management, supply chain management, business strategy, technology, and outsourcing.
Accenture was established in the year 1989 and was initially known as Andersen Consulting. Accenture changed its name in 2001 after breaking ties with its parent company Arthur Andersen. Accenture’s global headquarters is in Dublin, Ireland. It has branch offices in more than 200 cities in 50 countries across the world.
Accenture operates widely in five domains which are Media & Technology, Communications, Health and Public Services, Financial Services, and Products & Resources. Within this specific set, Accenture provides a broad range of services and solutions in the areas of strategy, digital, technology, consulting, and operations. While offering the best possible services and solutions, Accenture helps clients in reducing costs and also outsources technology functions.
Binding unparalleled experience and exceptional skills across 40+ industries and several business functions – held by the world’s biggest delivery network – Accenture works at the convergence of business and technology to assist their clients in improving the performance and creating a sustainable value for their various stakeholders.
Accenture’s strength is utilizing its industry knowledge and technology capabilities for finding new business and technology trends, thereby developing robust solutions to help clients around the world enter new markets or to increase revenues in existing markets. In Accenture, the company also focuses on improving operational performance and guiding their clients on how to deliver their products and services more efficiently and effectively.
Accenture works with 91 of the Fortune-100 global companies. Accenture has appeared 19 consecutive times on Fortune’s “World’s Most Admired Companies” list as of 2021.
Accenture Recruitment Process
1. Interview Rounds
Online Assessment Test:
This first round is a little difficult among all the other rounds as it is an eliminator round in the Accenture interview process. Accenture online assessment tests are designed to examine the cognitive function and ability of the appearing candidates. This round has questions based on Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability. Here in this round, you will be required to answer the prescribed number of questions in the allocated time frame.
Technical Interview:
If you clear the online test, then you will be called for the technical interview. The technical round mainly focuses to evaluate the coding & problem-solving skills of the candidate. The candidates should have basic knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and other computer science-related subjects like OS, DBMS, CN, etc. in order to ace the technical interview. Depending on the job role you’re applying to, you can expect to be tested in respective areas. If you are an experienced candidate or applying for a critical role, you might have to face two or more rounds of technical interviews.
HR Interview:
The HR Interview is the final round to select a candidate as an employee at Accenture since it helps to determine a candidate’s personality and other related aspects. Here the questions can be asked are of a varied range starting from your introduction, qualification, experience, hobbies, strengths & weaknesses, salary expectations, etc. In this round, company-related questions on Accenture can also be asked. While the other interview rounds at Accenture gauge your skills and accomplishments, the objective of an HR interview is to judge your personality, check your background, and ability to handle the job role, and decide whether you are the right fit for the company.
2. Interview Process
The Accenture interview process is a little challenging as per the experience shared by some of the previously interviewed candidates. The candidates are often daunted by the tough questions in every interview rounds at Accenture, as the number of applications received would be a little high. Hence a thoughtful preparation strategy and consistent practice can definitely enable you to crack this interview process.
First of all, the academic criteria to apply for an Accenture interview is as below:
- Candidates possessing a relevant graduate degree with an aggregate of 65% are eligible.
- Candidate should be passed in all the subjects and not have an active backlog.
- The education gap should not be more than one year in between your studies.
Usually, the interview process at Accenture involves the following three rounds:
- Online Assessment Test
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
For experienced candidates also, the Accenture interview rounds will normally remain the same. But in the case of some important roles, you may have to face two or more rounds of technical interviews followed by an HR interview.
Accenture Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced
1. What is the difference between dictionary and tuple in Python?
Dictionary | Tuple |
A dictionary is an unordered data collection in which data will be stored in the form of key-value pairs. | A tuple is an ordered data collection. |
Elements are accessed using key values. | Elements are accessed using numeric index values. |
Dictionary can have any number of values. | A tuple can have only a pre-defined number of values. |
It is used as a model object. | It is useful for returning multiple values from a function. |
2. What is a map() function in Python?
- In Python, the map() function is useful for applying the given function on every element of a specified iterable(list, tuple, etc.).
- Syntax for map() function is:
map(func, itr)
is a function applied to every element of an iterable anditr
is iterable which is to be mapped. An object list will be returned as a result of map() function execution. - Example:
def addition(n):
return n+n
number=(10, 20, 30, 40)
res= map(addition, number)
Output: 20, 40, 60, 80
In the above code segment, we are passing the addition()
function and number
as parameters to the map() function. Now, the addition() function will be applied to every element of the number
tuple, each item value is added with the same item value and the result generated will be stored in the res
3. What is XML?
XML(Extensible Markup Language) is a mark-up language that states rules for document encoding formatting in such a way that it can be easily understood by both humans and machines. It is useful to describe the data, develop information formats, and share structured data through the internet.
4. Write a C++ program for generating the Fibonacci series.
The Fibonacci series is a number sequence in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. Fibonacci series will have 0 followed by 1 as its first two numbers.
The Fibonacci series is as follows:0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55....
The below-given program will display the Fibonacci series of n range of numbers given by the user. If the entered range value is 1, the num1
value will be printed, i.e., 0. If the entered range value is 2, num1
and num2
values will be printed, i.e., 0 and 1. If entered range value is n, num1 and num2 value will be printed. Along with that, each next term will be calculated based on the addition of the previous two numbers and this process continues until it generates n numbers in a Fibonacci series.
void main()
int num1,num2,nextnum,n,i;
cout<<"Enter the value for range:"; //Fibonacci series range value will be inputted
cout<<"Fibonacci series is:"<<endl;
cout<<num1<<endl; //Single value will be printed if range value is 1
else if(n==2)
cout<<num1<<"\t"<<num2<<endl; //Two values will be printed if the range value is two
for(i=3;i<=n;i++) //Fibonacci series will be printed based on range limit
Accenture is among the leading Fortune 500 companies across the globe with revenue and profits better than most of the MNCs. It is also well-known for its diverse and robust work culture. Obtaining a career at Accenture would help you to upgrade your career growth and knowledge base.
Accenture recruits many candidates every year for their several job opportunities. The candidates should put all their efforts to achieve their goals and the organization should pace up the process to gain more fame in the long run. Recently, Accenture has also announced that it is going to hire plenty of candidates across various roles, and hence this is an opportunity to give it your best shot.
Hope this article assists you to get more information about the Accenture interview process and help you ace through it. We have focused to cover the various aspects like Accenture company profile, Accenture interview questions for freshers/experienced, Accenture HR interview questions, Accenture technical interview questions, here in this article. Now brace yourself for every question thoroughly as this article is going to upgrade your understanding of the Accenture recruitment process.
Useful Resources:
5. What is a classifier in Python?
A classifier is an algorithm that predicts the class of an input element on the basis of a set of features. Usually, it will make use of training data(large datasets used to train an algorithm or machine learning model) to obtain understand-ability regarding the relation between input variables and class. It is mainly used in machine learning and supervised learning.
Example: A classifier can be used to predict the soap category depending on its characteristics, which means its “features”. These features may include its fragrance, appearance, color, etc. A machine learning classifier could potentially be used to predict that soap with a round shape and brown color along with a strong fragrance of sandalwood is a Mysore Sandal soap.
6. What are lambda expressions in Java?
- A Lambda expression is a function that can be created without including it in any class. It was introduced in Java 8.
- It is used to provide the interface implementation which has a functional interface. It does not require defining the method again for providing the implementation, it is allowed to just write the implementation code. Thus it saves plenty of coding.
- Lambda expression is considered as a function, the
file will not be created by the compiler. - They are generally used for simple callbacks or event listeners implementation, or in functional programming with the Java Streams API.
- Lambda Expression Syntax is:
(argument_list) -> {body}
Three components of Lamda expression are:-
: Zero or more number of arguments. -
(arrow-token): Used to link argument_list and body of lambda expression. -
: Contains statements and expressions for lambda expression.
- A Java example program to illustrate lambda expressions by implementing the user-defined functional interface is given below:
// A functional interface with a single abstract method.
interface ExampleInterface
// An abstract method
void abstractPrint(int a);
class InterviewBit
public static void main(String args[])
/* A lambda expression to implement the above functional interface. */
ExampleInterface ob = (int a)->{System.out.println(a)};
// This calls above lambda expression and prints 20.
In the above example program, Example Interface is the functional interface that has a single abstract method abstractPrint(). By using lambda expression within InterviewBit class, we are implementing the functional interface by providing implementation code for the abstract method within an interface.
7. What is the use of “static” keyword in Java?
- The static keyword is a non-access modifier in Java that is useful for memory management.
- Static property can be shared by all the objects, no separate copies of static members will be created on object creation.
- No need to create the instance of the class for accessing static members, we can directly access them by using the class name.
- The static keyword can be used with the variable, block, method, and nested classes for memory management.
- Static variable: When a variable is declared with the static keyword, a single copy of the variable will be created and the same variable will be shared across all objects of the class (a class to which the static variable belongs).
- Static block: A static block helps with the initialization of the static data members. It is a group of statements within a Java class and gets executed exactly once when the class is first loaded into the JVM(Java Virtual Machine).
- Static method: If the method is declared with the static keyword, then it is considered a static method. The main( ) method is one of the examples of a static method. Static methods are having restrictions such as they can directly call other static methods only, and they can access static data directly.
- Static class: Only a nested class can be created as a static class. Nested static class doesn’t need a reference of Outer class(a class in which the nested class is defined). A static class does not have permission to access non-static members of the Outer class.
8. Can we implement multiple interfaces in a single Java class?
Yes, it is allowed to implement multiple interfaces in a single class. In Java, multiple inheritances is achieved by implementing multiple interfaces into the class. While implementing, each interface name is separated by using a comma(,) operator.
public class ClassName implements Interface1, Interface2,..., InterfaceN
public class InterviewBit implements X, Y
Here, X and Y are the interfaces implemented by the class InterviewBit.
9. What is the significance of the “super” and “this” keywords in Java?
- super keyword: In Java, the “super” keyword is used to provide reference to the instance of the parent class(superclass). Since it is a reserved keyword in Java, it cannot be used as an identifier. This keyword can also be used to invoke parent class members like constructors and methods.
- this Keyword: In Java, the “this” keyword is used to refer to the instance of the current class. Since it is a reserved keyword in Java, it cannot be used as an identifier. It can be used for referring object of the current class, to invoke a constructor of the current class, to pass as an argument in the method call or constructor call, to return the object of the current class.
10. What is run-time polymorphism and how it is achieved in Java?
- Run-time polymorphism(dynamic binding or dynamic method dispatch) implies that the call to an overridden method is resolved dynamically during run-time instead of compile-time.
- Run-time polymorphism is achieved with the help of method overriding in Java. When a child class(subclass) has the same method name, return type, and parameters as the parent(superclass), then that method overrides the superclass method, this process is known as method overriding.
The below example has one superclass Animal and three subclasses, Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles. Subclasses extend the superclass and override its print() method. We will call the print() method with the help of the reference variable of Animal class i.e., parent class. The subclass method is invoked during runtime since it is referring to the object of the subclass and the subclass method overrides the superclass method. As Java Virtual Machine(JVM) decides method invocation, it is run-time polymorphism.
class Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Animal");
class Birds extends Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Birds");
class Mammals extends Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Mammals");
class Reptiles extends Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Reptiles");
class InterviewBit{
public static void main(String args[]){
Animal a = new Animal();
Animal b = new Birds(); //upcasting
Animal m = new Mammals(); //upcasting
Animal r = new Reptiles(); //upcasting
Inside Animal
Inside Birds
Inside Mammals
Inside Reptiles
11. Distinguish between Array and ArrayList provided by Java.
Array | ArrayList |
An array is of fixed length | ArrayList is of variable length |
Length of the array cannot be changed once created | Length of the array can be changed after creation |
It can store both primitive types and objects | It can store only objects, not primitives(it automatically converts primitive type to object) |
Using an assignment operator we can store elements into an array | With the help of add() method elements are stored into an ArrayList |
An array can be multi-dimensional | ArrayList is always one-dimensional |
12. What is the “Diamond problem” in Java?
The “Diamond problem” usually happens in multiple inheritances. Java does not support multiple inheritances, so in the case of Java, the diamond problem occurs when you are trying to implement multiple interfaces. When two interfaces having methods with the same signature are implemented to a single class, it creates ambiguity for the compiler about which function it has to call, so it produces an error at the compile time. Its structure looks similar to diamond thus it is called a “Diamond problem”.

Here, if we try to access the print() function using the DerivedClass3 object, it will create confusion for the compiler that which copy of the print() function it has to call i.e., from DerivedClass1 or DervivedClass2.
“Diamond problem” is solved by using virtual inheritance. It guarantees that the child class will get only one instance of the common base class.
13. How can you differentiate between C, C++, and Java?
C | C++ | Java |
It is a procedural language. | It is an object-oriented language (not purely object-oriented as it is possible to write code without the creation of a class). | It is an object-oriented language (not purely object-oriented, as it supports primitive data types). |
It supports pointers. | It supports pointers. | It does not support pointers. |
Platform dependent language | Platform dependent language | Platform independent language |
Not possible to create our own package. | It is allowed to create the package in C++. | Here, we can create our package and can include the classes. |
The concept of inheritance was not implemented. | We can use multiple inheritances in C++. | It does not support multiple inheritances. |
It does not support data hiding, so data is less secured as it can be accessed by the outside world. | It supports data hiding, so data cannot be accessed by the outside world. | It supports data hiding, so data cannot be accessed by the outside world. |
14. Can you differentiate between “var++” and “++var”?
Expressions “var++” and “++var” are used for incrementing the value of the “var” variable.
“var++” will first give the evaluation of expression and then its value will be incremented by 1, thus it is called as post-incrementation of a variable. “++var” will increment the value of the variable by one and then the evaluation of the expression will take place, thus it is called pre-incrementation of a variable.
/* C program to demonstrate the difference between var++ and ++var */
int main()
int x,y;
x=7, y=1;
printf("%d %d\n", x++, x); //will generate 7, 8 as output
printf("%d %d", ++y, y); //will generate 2, 2 as output
15. Explain memory allocation process in C.
- Memory allocation process indicates reserving some part of the memory space based on the requirement for the code execution.
- There are two types of memory allocation done in C:
- Static memory allocation: The memory allocation during the beginning of the program is known as static memory allocation. In this type of memory allocation allocated memory size remains fixed and it is not allowed to change the memory size during run-time. It will make use of a stack for memory management.
Dynamic memory allocation: The memory allocation during run-time is considered as dynamic memory allocation. We can mention the size at runtime as per requirement. It will make use of heap data structure for memory management. The required memory space can be allocated and deallocated from heap memory. It is mainly used in pointers. Four types of the pre-defined function that are used to dynamically allocate the memory are given below:
16. Explain about getch() function in a C++ program. How it is different from getche() function?
The getch()
is a pre-defined library function in C++ that is used to receive a single input character from the keyboard, and it holds the screen until it does not receive any character from standard input. This function does not require any arguments and it is defined under the “conio.h” header file.
void main()
cout<<"Enter the character:"<<endl;
This program holds the output screen until you press any character on the keyboard.
The only difference between these two functions is getch()
does not echo the character to the screen whereas getche()
17. What is meant by the Friend function in C++?
- A friend() function is a function that has access to private and protected members of another class i.e., a class in which it is declared as a friend. It is possible to declare a function as a friend function with the help of the friend keyword.
- Syntax:
class class_name
friend return_type function_name();
18. What is normalization in the database?
- Normalization(data normalization or database normalization) is the technique of data organization in the database to minimize data redundancy and improve data integrity. Through database normalization, we can organize the data in tables and columns, and also we can define a relationship between these tables or columns.
- Below are the commonly used normalization forms:
- First Normal Form(1NF)
- Second Normal Form(2NF)
- Third Normal Form(3NF)
- Boyce-Codd Normal Form(BCNF)
- Fourth Normal Form(4NF)
- Fifth Normal Form(5NF)
19. Can you give differences for the Primary key and Unique key in SQL?
Primary key | Unique Key |
It is a unique identifier for each row of a table. | It is a unique identifier for table rows in the absence of a Primary key. |
A single Primary key is allowed in a table. | More than one Unique Key is allowed in a table. |
NULL value or duplicate value is not permitted. | It can have a single NULL value but a duplicate value is not permitted. |
When we define a Primary key, a clustered index is automatically created if it does not already exist on the table. | When we define a Unique key, a non-clustered index is created by default to enforce a UNIQUE constraint. |
20. What is Pandas in Python?
- Pandas is an open-source software library developed for Python and is useful in data manipulation and analysis. It provides plenty of data structures and operations such as modification of numerical tables and time series. It can deal with different types of files and is considered to be one of the important tools to have a grip on.
- Some of the attributes or methods provided by Pandas are:
- axes: It returns a row axis label list.
- empty: It returns true if the series is empty otherwise it returns false.
- size: It returns the count of elements in the underlying data.
- values: It returns the series as ndarray.
- head(): It returns the n rows from the beginning of a data frame or series.
- tail(): Returns the n rows from the end of a data frame or series.
Accenture Interview Preparation
1. Interview Preparation Tips
The interview is basically a way of testing your ability to think, code and solve problems. The technical interview round may seem tough at first, but with appropriate preparation, you can easily ace it. Some tips to help you get succeeded in your Accenture interview are mentioned below:
- Learn all the concepts: If you have to ace the technical interview at Accenture, you have to learn the concepts such as coding, algorithm, data structures, etc. When preparing & practicing for the interview, focus on algorithm-based and system design problems.
- Improve your problem-solving skills: With proper practice, you will be able to solve any type of problem. This specific skill can only be perfected when you consistently solve questions every day and helps you in changing the way you understand and approach any given problem.
- Clarify your doubts: Join some relevant online forums or take the help of any useful resources to clarify your doubts before the interview process. You should be well-prepared to face any kind of question during the interview.
- Take up mock interviews: Try to practice through mock interviews, which will essentially help you to get feedback on areas that you need to improve on. Also, the mock preparations will boost your confidence to face real interviews.
- Be calm and composed: You have to stay calm during the interview. Take your time to properly understand the questions given to you. If needed, try to draft out a strategy before you start solving any coding questions.
- Ask questions: At the end of the interview, you have to be prepared to ask questions to the interviewer. This will definitely show your interest and insight into the company and the position that you are applying for.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does Accenture ask coding questions?
Yes, the candidates will be asked coding questions in technical interviews. In this particular round, the candidates have to face questions based on programming concepts of different technologies like C, C++, Java, etc.
2. How do I prepare for Accenture interview?
Following are the few points that you can take care of while preparing for the Accenture interview:
- Do your homework: Mainly Understand the job role for which you are applying and also learn a few company-related information about Accenture. Research on these things in advance, whether that is exploring the Accenture’s company website or discussing with a friend who works in Accenture.
- Think through your answers: While the Accenture interview topics can range from different technical aspects and personal skills, prepare in advance as to how you can answer the questions. Think about the requirements of the role, your accomplishments, and your personal aspirations, which essentially helps you in preparing for the interview conversations.
- Have questions ready: Most of the time, your interviewer will give you time for asking questions. So it is important to have a question ready to ask! Not one that has already been answered, but one that demonstrates your insightfulness & interest in the position and also about the company. For more tips check the above section.
3. Is Accenture interview hard?
The Accenture interview might be a bit challenging, but can easily be cracked with proper preparations. Since Accenture is a high-performing company that wants to hire the best people possible, the different interview rounds at Accenture are challenging compared to regular interviews at large corporate companies. But the fact is that, with the perfect preparations, the interview can actually become relatively easy to succeed in the Accenture recruitment process.
4. Why should we hire you in Accenture?
The above question can essentially be answered in the following way- “It is a wonderful opportunity for me to get interviewed in such a renowned company. I’m confident that Accenture is an excellent platform for me to prove my skills & knowledge in the corporate world. Well, this job role is what I am interested to work for. Even though I am a fresher, I assure you that I will give my best and work to my fullest potential, so that I can contribute as much as I can towards the growth and success of this great brand. So I’m really excited to work with Accenture.”
5. What is the kind of work environment in Accenture?
The prime reason why Accenture is a great place to work or build your career is because of its robust work environment. From varied areas of expertise to backgrounds, from everywhere around the world, you will work and learn from some of the smartest, most generous people anywhere. Irrespective of the work locations, Accenture’s multi-functional areas essentially support creativity, innovation, learning & development, and teamwork.
6. What is the freshers’ salary in Accenture?
Accenture pays a competitive salary package for freshers. The salary for freshers at Accenture can range from Rs 2.2 Lakhs to Rs 5 Lakhs per annum. Typically, the average fresher's salary in Accenture is Rs 3.9 Lakhs per annum as per the details furnished in Ambitionbox.
7. Why do you want to join Accenture?
This question can be answered by mentioning the following major points with respect to Accenture:
- Brand Name: Accenture is a renowned brand in the market, which is a prime reason to pursue a job in this organization. The company is more into technology and operations that can be a perfect fit for any IT professionals.
- Work-Life Balance: Accenture offers a good work-life balance to its employees. Essentially you can give the time to your personal and family aspects also.
- Colleagues: The company recruits candidates in different levels - entry, mid, and top, which is making the employees with diverse experience and knowledge come forward and work as a team. The Accenture employees like working in this organization due to co-operative team members & colleagues.
- Work Environment: Accenture provides a favorable work environment and compels the employees to work together in a learning environment.
- Quality of Work: The Employees are offered qualitative work that makes it more exciting to work at Accenture. The company offers plenty of opportunities to learn and grow from time to time.
8. Is Accenture a great place to start a career?
Below mentioned are some of the major reasons why Accenture is a great place to start your career:
The People:
If you are working for Accenture, you can observe that everyone from lower-level to upper-level employees are approachable and there to help you. Accenture’s ‘One Global Network’ allows you to reach out to colleagues across the globe for any kind of support. There are plenty of opportunities to network and meet new people in Accenture, from events to getting involved in clubs and societies. -
Fast-Paced Environment
In Accenture, you can directly communicate with the clients and put across your best views at all times from day one of your project. Normally, at Accenture, you can experience working in a fast-paced environment. Working closely with clients and colleagues lets you develop and grow professionally in this kind of robust work environment. -
Continuous Learning
Working for Accenture definitely lets you continue to learn and grow as you are going to be exposed to new technologies and varied business strategies on a continuous basis. At times, working for Accenture can be challenging; but the skills that you acquire and develop are important to your professional development.
9. How long is the interview process at Accenture?
On average, the Accenture interview process will usually go around one month from beginning to end, although it might take longer during busy recruitment periods. Once the online application and interviews of a particular candidate are completed, Accenture normally aims to respond to their decision within 10–15 working days. So if you have cleared an assessment test, you should be receiving positive feedback within 2 weeks from its conclusion.
Accenture receives a large number of applications for different roles every year. So there is a higher chance that it can close the applications earlier than expected, so be sure to apply early.
10. Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years from now in Accenture?
The above tricky question can be answered as mentioned below: “In the next five years, I want to see myself in a senior role or leading a team, working with a great bunch of professionals at Accenture. I would like to be known globally as a passionate expert in my area of expertise. Overall, I will definitely want to cherish the journey at Accenture, which I hope probably going to be one of the best in the world.”
11. What are the rounds in Accenture interview?
The Accenture interview process will generally involve the following three rounds:
- Online Assessment Test
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
For experienced candidates also, the interview rounds will usually remain the same. But in the case of some prominent roles or based on your experience level, you may have to face two or more rounds of technical interviews followed by an HR interview. Check the above section for a detailed interview process.