Angular MCQ
AngularJS is perfect for single-page applications (SPAs).
- AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It can be added to an HTML page with a <script> tag.
- Angular JS extends HTML attributes with Directives and binds data to HTML with expressions.
- AngularJS extends HTML with ng-directives.
- The ng-app directive defines an AngularJS application.
- The ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls to application data.
- The ng-bind directive binds application data to the HTML view.
- AngularJS directives are HTML attributes with an ng prefix.
- The ng-directive initializes AngularJS application variables.
- The ng-controller directive defines the controller.
Useful Resources
- Difference Between Angular and AngularJS
- Angular Interview Questions and Answers
- AngularJS Interview Questions
- Angular 8 Interview Questions
- Angular Vs React
- Angular JS Projects
Angular MCQs
To detect changes in the angular 2 project which of the following is used?
Choose whether true or false: AngularJS bootstrap itself during the config phase.
How is interpolation in angular 2 done?
Module created by using AngularJS function is known as
Most used CSS frameworks are ________
On which of the types of components can a custom derivative be created?
State whether true or false: AngularJS provides reusable components
State whether true or false: $https Services used to make an Ajax call to the server.
State whether true or false: $routeprovider is a module.
The functionality of angular controllers in the application is
The router is a part of which of the following given models?
The syntax used to create a module in AngularJS is:
The total $RootScope an AngularJS application can have is?
Choose whether true or false: We can apply multiple structural directives to a host element.
What can RxJS be used for?
What is the functionality of the @input decorator
What is the functionality of the @output decorator?
Which decorator is used for configuring model class
Which decorator is used to make a class a service?
Which function is used to import RouterModule in a feature module?
Which of the following can be used as a prefix for directive?
Which of the following components is the one which can be injected as a dependency in Angular JS?
Which of the following is not a feature of angular 2?
Which of the following is used to retrieve a list of items from a server’s URL?
Who is the father of AngularJS?
Choose the correct statement about the lowercase filter.
Among the following which can be used to write AngularJS directives
Among the following which is not built-in a pipe in angular?
Among the following, on which architectural pattern is AngularJS based?
Angular CLI stands for ____________
AngularJS is a ____
AngularJS is perfect for?
AngularJS was developed by which company?
AOT stands for ________
Choose the advantage of Angular JS among the following.
Choose the correct definition of deep thinking in AngularJS
Choose the correct definition of routerOutlet.
Choose the correct definition of the view in MVC.
Among the following choose the one which is responsible for the startup of the angular 2 projects.
Choose the correct syntax for writing AngularJS expression.
Choose the definition of transpilers.
Choose the directive which is used to find the values of HTML controls to application data.
Choose the filter which is used to convert the input to all uppercase
Choose the functionality of.angular-cli.json among the following.
Choose the incorrect AngularJS filter.
Choose the incorrect hook application lifecycle.
Choose the reactor which is used to bind the application data to the HTML view in AngularJS.
Choose the valid AngularJS expression.
Choose whether true or false: Angular JS is completely based on HTML and JavaScript.
Choose whether true or false: -ng-bind binding Angular JS application data to HTML tags.