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Apisero Interview Questions

Last Updated: Jan 03, 2024
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The digital world is continuously changing, putting pressure on today's organizations to innovate, expand, and adapt faster in order to meet their consumers' changing expectations. However, the difficulty of combining various data and apps can stymie your progress. This is where Apisero comes into the picture.  It provides commercial, mid-market, and enterprise customers with Salesforce and MuleSoft platform solutions. Apisero specializes in offering a full spectrum of integration services using the MuleSoft software platform. 

Apisero combines years of deep technical experience and cutting edge technologies to empower businesses to innovate and go digital faster as a global leader in consulting technology services, and digital transformation. They are devoted to providing companies with the tools, support, and information that is needed to continue making an impact from start to finish (and beyond). 

Apisero is headquartered in Chandler, Arizona and has various branches in Indian cities like Pune, Kolkata, Delhi, Ranchi, Bangalore and many more. Apisero is an excellent place to begin your career as a new employee. It provides a terrific work environment as well as a welcoming atmosphere with a pleasant ambience beneficial to personal and corporate development. The fast-paced development environment allows today's young Software Engineers to learn a lot in a short amount of time while at Apisero. 

This article not only teaches how to respond to pertinent Apisero interview questions but also lays out a roadmap for both experienced and new Software Engineers to land their dream job at Apisero.

Apisero Recruitment Process

1. Eligibility Criteria.

Most other companies' fresher qualifying standards are equal to Apisero's. Before applying for the Apisero Recruitment Process, candidates should review the following eligibility criteria (both graduation and general criteria):

Graduation Criteria: The graduation criteria for the Apisero Recruitment Process are as follows:-

Criterion for Graduation Details
Department/Branch of Study Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related areas like in one of the following disciplines: CSE/ECE/IT/EEE/TELECOM/EI or Master's Degree in Computer Science.
Mode of Study    

The Central or State governments of India recognised full-time courses.

(Not the accessible part-time or correspondence courses.)

Backlogs No Active Backlogs should be there during the Apisero Recruitment Process.

General Criteria (or General Skills Required): A candidate, for a job at Apisero, must possess a set of general skills. The following are a few of them:-

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Expertise in the technical domain.
  • Professional attitude towards work.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
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2. Interview Process.

Engineering teams are critical to the success of their purpose, just as they are to the success of any other digital organization. As a result, Apisero is constantly trying to expand its technical teams, hiring a mix of seasoned experts and university graduates for a variety of internal developer positions.

The interview process at Apisero consists of five rounds usually:

  • One round of online assessment (The Coding and Aptitude Round)
  • Three rounds of Technical Interviews.
  • One Behavioral or HR Round.

3. Interview Rounds.

Except for the severity of questions asked in the various rounds and the number of rounds, the Apisero Interview Process for Freshers is nearly identical to the Apisero Selection Process for Experienced (Experienced Folks may be directly interviewed and may be allowed to skip the first few rounds as decided by the Recruiter). 

The Apisero Recruitment Process is usually divided into five stages:

1. The Coding and Aptitude Round: The Apisero Recruitment Process begins with a coding and aptitude test to assess a candidate's technical and aptitude skills. The following three sections make up the coding and aptitude round:

  1. Logical Reasoning
  2. Aptitude
  3. Technical Evaluation (It included the Apisero Coding Round Questions for freshers and Multiple Choice Questions based on Computer Science Fundamentals)

This Apisero Recruitment Process coding and aptitude stage is an elimination round, with only a set number of candidates (as determined by the employer) moving on to round two. The Apisero written test questions and the Apisero programming questions are of easy to medium level and someone familiar with the basics of Computer Science Fundamentals should be able to clear this round with not much difficulty.

2. Bare Essential Technical Interview (Online): The first round of interviews in the Apisero Recruitment Process are held for only those students who are able to successfully pass the coding and aptitude round. This round is taken by interviewers at Apisero to test whether the candidate is aware of the basic fundamentals of Computer Science and is comfortable in one programming language at least like C++, Java, Python, etc. This is an elimination round.

3. C4E Technical Interview (Online): The candidates who do well in the first round of interviews are interviewed by the panel of interviewers at Apisero in the second round. The level of questions asked in this round are a notch higher than that of the first round and the candidates may be asked to write down codes for medium to hard level Data Structures and Algorithm questions. Questions related to Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks may also be asked. It is important for candidates to be very good at Computer Science Fundamentals in order to ace this interview.  This round is also eliminative in nature.

Note: Depending on the company's needs and the job opportunity, the above rounds may or may not be held for experienced candidates.

4. Executive Technical Interview (Online): Round 3 of Interviews in the Apisero Recruitment Process tests the technical abilities of the candidates thoroughly. Candidates may be asked to write queries in SQL for various scenarios. Questions based on the experience which a candidate possesses and questions on any Cloud-based technology may also be asked. Having knowledge about how Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) work and how distributed systems are designed may prove to be a great plus point in this interview and help the candidate stand out in the eyes of the interviewers. This round is likely to include questions about any element of the candidate's studies. To pass this round, you must have a firm grasp of the principles of computer science. Candidates should be knowledgeable with data structures, algorithms, database management systems, operating systems, networking, object-oriented programming concepts, and a programming language of their choosing, such as C++, Java, Python, and so on. Candidates will be put to the test in terms of coding during the interview. The panel will also question you about your résumé, so be sure you know what you've written (Curriculum Vitae). This round may also include questions about puzzles.

5. The Human Resources (HR) Round: The last round of the Apisero Recruitment Process is the Human Resources or HR round which basically aims at testing whether or not the candidate would be a cultural fit for Apisero. At Apisero, the cultural values which they are looking for in their Employees like in their very name: they are Adept, they Persevere, they are driven by Integrity and Selflessness,  show Empathy and Respect to others, and lastly, they understand the value of Ownership. In order to ace this interview, a candidate can read more about the company on the following website.

A few of the questions which can be asked in the HR round are listed below:

  1. State your understanding about yourself.
  2. Why do you wish to work at Apisero?
  3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Tell me something about Apisero Company.
  5. Will relocation to other parts of India be a problem for you?
  6. How much salary do you expect? This is a difficult question to answer. It is a question that is posed to even the most seasoned staff. You might want to find out what the company's average employee raise is and then answer this question accordingly.

If a candidate has qualified in all the above-mentioned parameters and has shown exceptional technical skills in the previous rounds, he or she will most likely get hired at this amazing company.

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Apisero Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. What are the key differences between TCP and UDP?

The key differences between TCP and UDP are highlighted in the table given below:

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol. The communicating devices should create a connection before transmitting data and close the connection after transmitting the data, according to connection orientation. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a datagram oriented protocol. This is due to the lack of expense associated with creating, maintaining, and terminating connections. For broadcast and multicast network transmission, UDP is a good choice.
TCP is dependable because it ensures data delivery to the destination router. In UDP, data delivery to the destination cannot be assured and hence, it is not dependable.
TCP has a number of error checking methods. It is because it allows for data flow control and acknowledgement. UDP only provides a checksum-based error checking mechanism.
There is an acknowledgement segment in TCP. There is no acknowledgement segment in UDP.
TCP is slower, more complicated, and inefficient than UDP. UDP is faster, simple and more efficient than TCP.
The Transmission Control Protocol has a function that allows data to be sequenced. This means that packets arrive at the receiver in the sequence they were sent. In UDP, there is no data sequencing. The application layer must control the order if it is required.
TCP uses a variable-length (20-60) bytes header. UDP has a fixed-length header of 8 bytes.
TCP allows for the retransmission of dropped packets. UDP does not allow for the retransmission of dropped packets.
Broadcasting is not supported by TCP. Broadcasting is supported by UDP.
Handshakes such as SYN, ACK, and SYN-ACK are used in TCP.  It is a connectionless protocol, which means it does not require a handshake.
TCP is a heavy-weight protocol. UDP is a lightweight protocol.
HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP, and Telnet all use TCP. DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, and VoIP all use UDP.

2. What do you understand about the SLIP protocol?

SLIP is an acronym for Serial Line Internet Protocol. It is basically a TCP/IP based fundamental protocol that is used for communication through serial ports and routers. They allow machines to connect with one another that was previously configured for direct communication. 

For example, a customer could be connected to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) over a slower SLIP line. When a client needs a service, he or she contacts the ISP and makes a request. The ISP responds to the request by sending it to the Internet on high speed multiplexed lines. The Internet Service Provider then sends the results back to the client over SLIP lines. A SLIP frame has a straightforward format, consisting of a payload and a flag that serves as an end delimiter. A special character with a decimal value of 192 is commonly used as the flag. If this flag is present in the data, it is preceded by an escape sequence that prevents the receiver from interpreting it incorrectly.

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3. Highlight the differences between the SLIP and Point to Point protocol (PPP).

The differences between the SLIP and Point-to-Point protocol are given below:

It is an acronym for Serial Line Internet Protocol. It is an acronym for Point to Point Protocol.
SLIP is a predecessor of the PPP. PPP is the successor of the SLIP.
The internet protocol packet is covered by SLIP. Datagram is covered by PPP.
Authentication mechanisms are not provided by SLIP. Authentication mechanisms are provided by PPP.
SLIP is a static IP addressing assignment. PPP is a dynamic IP addressing assignment.
Data is transferred in a synchronous form in SLIP. Data is transferred both in a synchronous and asynchronous form in PPP.

4. State the advantages and disadvantages of the star topology in Computer Networks?

A star topology is a type of computer network that uses the spoke hub distribution concept. In a star network, each host is connected to a central hub. In its most basic form, one single hub acts as a route for messages. The star network is one of the most common computer network architectures.

The following are some of the advantages of star topology:

  • It is easy to analyze, set up, and modify.
  • The nodes that have failed are the only ones that are affected. Other nodes are still up and running.
  • Fast performance is attainable with a small number of nodes and little network traffic.
  • In a Star topology, adding, removing, and transferring devices is straightforward.

The following are some of the disadvantages of star topology:

  • If the Hub or concentrator fails, the attached nodes are disabled.
  • The cost of establishing a star topology is substantial.
  • Heavy network traffic might cause buses to slow down dramatically.
  • Performance is determined on the Hub's capacity.
  • The network could be brought down by a faulty cable or a lack of suitable termination.
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5. List a few of the benefits of using a database management system.

The following are some of the benefits of a database management system:

  • It aids in the management of database redundancy.
  • Ensures that data is consistent.
  • Easily accessible.
  • Backup and recovery services are available.
  • Integrity limitations are enforced.
  • It puts a stop to unauthorized access.
  • Multiple user interfaces are available.
  • Due to the usage of queries, data extraction and processing are simple.

6. State your understanding of Distributed Database Management Systems with Transparency or Transparent Distributed Database Management Systems?

The transparent Distributed Database Management System is a type of database management system that hides the physical structure of the database from users. Physical structure, also known as physical storage structure, refers to the memory manager of a database management system and describes how data is saved on a disk. There is less abstraction as a result of this. In Distributed Database Management Systems (or DDBMS), there are four forms of transparency:

  • Transparency in transactions
  • Transparency in distribution
  • Transparency in performance
  • Transparency in relational databases.

7. What are the differences between RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) and DBMS (Database Management Systems)?

The key differences between Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and Database Management Systems (DBMS) are as follows:

They store data in the form of tables of rows and columns They store data in the form of files.
Related data are stored in a single table. There is no relationship between the data stored in a single file of DBMS.
Many data items can be fetched simultaneously using mechanisms like grouping, etc. Only a single data item can be fetched at a particular point of time.
Relational tables can be normalized due to which Data Redundancy can be reduced. No concept of Normalization and hence Data Redundancy is prevalent. 
Distributed databases are supported by RDBMS. DBMS does not support distributed databases.
It can support multiple users at the same time (concurrent access is possible). Only one user can use the DBMS at a particular time.
Faster data fetching due to the relational approach. Data fetching is normally very slow since there is no relation between data in a file.
It has a lot of hardware and software needs. Very few hardware and software needs are there in it.
Data is more secure in RDBMS than in DBMS as various security mechanisms are implemented at various levels in it. Data is highly insecure in DBMS.
Examples of RDBMS include Oracle, MySQL, Postgre, etc. Examples of DBMS include  XML, Window Registry, etc.

8. What do you understand about Polymorphism in Object Oriented Programming?

Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming is defined as the presence of several forms. It is made up of two words: "Poly" which means many and "morph" which means form. Its behaviour varies depending on the situation. When we have numerous classes that are related to each other by inheritance, this happens. Consider a base class named car, which has a method called carBrand(). Volkswagen, Ferrari, BMW and Audi are examples of derived automobile classes, and each has its own implementation of a car. In C++, there are two types of polymorphism:

  • Compile Time Polymorphism or Static Polymorphism.
  • Runtime Polymorphism or Dynamic Polymorphism.

9. What are the various types of memory spaces that the Java Virtual Machine allocates in Java?

The following are the several types of memory spaces allocated by the Java Virtual Machine:

  • The Class(Method) Area: The Class(Method) Area keeps track of per-class structures such as the runtime constant pool, fields, method data, and method code.
  • Program Counter (PC) Register: The PC (program counter) register stores the address of the Java virtual machine instruction currently being executed.
  • Stack: Frames are kept in the Java Stack. Local variables and partial results, as well as invoking and returning methods, are all managed by it. Each thread has its own JVM stack, which is created at the same time as the thread. A new frame is created each time a method is called. When the method invocation of a frame is complete, it is destroyed.
  • The Native Method Stack: The Native Method Stack contains every single native method utilized in the application.
  • Heap: This is where the objects' memory is allocated during runtime.

10. What are your thoughts on virtual memory in terms of operating systems?

Virtual Memory is a storage allocation method that lets you address secondary memory as if it were the main memory. Program-generated addresses are automatically converted to machine addresses, which are different from the addresses used by the memory system to designate physical storage places. The quantity of secondary memory available is defined by the number of main storage sites available rather than the actual number of main storage locations, and the capacity of virtual storage is restricted by the computer system's addressing scheme.

11. What do you understand about Spooling in Operating Systems? Give an application of spooling.

The practice of temporarily storing data so that it can be used and processed by a device, software, or system is known as spooling. Data is supplied to and stored in memory or other volatile storage until a programme or computer requests it for execution. "Simultaneous Peripheral Operations Online" is an acronym for Spooling. The spool is typically stored in physical memory, buffers, or interrupts for Input and Output devices on the computer. To process the spool in ascending order, the FIFO (first in, first out) approach is employed. Spooling is the collection and storage of data from many Input and Output activities in a buffer. Input and Output devices can access this buffer, which is a piece of memory or hard disc. In a distributed context, an operating system performs the following tasks:

  • Data spooling for Input and Output devices with varying data access rates is handled.
  • Maintains the spooling buffer, which acts as a temporary data storage region while the slower device catches up.
  • The spooling process maintains parallel computing because a computer can do input and output in parallel order. It is now possible for a computer to simultaneously read data from a tape, write data to disc, and print data to a tape printer.

The most obvious application of spooling is in Printing. Before being added to the printing queue, the printed papers are held in the SPOOL. Several programmes can run and use the CPU during this period without having to wait for the printer to finish printing each page individually. Many additional features, such as setting priorities, receiving notifications when the printing process is complete, and selecting different types of paper to print on based on the user's preferences, can be added to the Spooling printing process.

12. State a few benefits and a few drawbacks of using threads with respect to Operating Systems?

A thread is a path of execution within a process. A process can have several threads. Within a process, it's a separate control flow. It consists of a context and a series of instructions that must be followed. Threads in the same process use shared memory space. Because threads aren't truly independent of one another, they share their code, data, and OS resources with other threads (like open files and signals).

The following are the main benefits of using threads in Operating Systems:

  • A separate communication system is not required.
  • Threads simplify software structure and improve readability.
  • Threads have a faster context switching time (time to switch from one thread to another) than processes.
  • The system gets more efficient as fewer system resources are used.

The following are the most significant drawbacks of using threads:

  • Because threads are part of a single process, they cannot be reused.
  • They interfere with the address space of their process.
  • They require synchronization for concurrent read and write memory access.

13. What do you understand about Memory Management in Operating Systems and why is it important?

The operating system occupies a portion of memory in a multiprogramming computer, while the rest is used by many processes. Memory management is the practice of dividing memory across many operations. Memory management is an operating system approach for coordinating actions between main memory and disc during the execution of a task. The primary goal of memory management is to maximize memory use.

Memory Management  is necessary because of the following reasons:

  • Before and after the process, allocation and deallocation of memory are needed.
  • To keep track of how much memory is being consumed by processes.
  • To keep fragmentation to a minimum.
  • To make the best use of the main memory.
  • To keep data safe while a process is running.

14. What are schedulers in Operating Systems? State and illustrate the kinds of schedulers available in Operating Systems.

Schedulers are specialized computer programs that control the scheduling of processes in various ways. Their main task is to decide which jobs to enter into the system and which processes to conduct.

The three types of schedulers are as follows:

  • Long Term Scheduler: A job scheduler is another name for a long term scheduler. Which applications are admitted for processing into the system is determined by a long term scheduler. It selects processes from the ready queue and loads them into memory before executing them. The process is loaded into memory for CPU scheduling. The basic purpose of the job scheduler is to deliver a well-balanced mix of jobs, such as Input and Output and CPU bound workloads. It also controls the amount of multiprogramming done. The average rate of process formation must be equal to the average rate of process departure from the system if the degree of multiprogramming remains constant.
  • Medium Term Scheduler: This type of scheduler is used to swap programmes in the main memory. It frees up the RAM that the processes have used up. As a result, the degree of multiprogramming is minimized. The medium-term scheduler is in charge of the swapped out processes.
  • Short Term Scheduler: A CPU scheduler is another name for a short term scheduler. Its main purpose is to increase system performance in accordance with the stated set of criteria. It is the shift from the ready to the running stage of a process. The CPU scheduler selects a process from among those that are ready to run and gives it CPU time. Short term schedulers, often known as dispatchers, choose the next process to run.

15. State a few functionalities of Operating Systems.

A few functionalities of Operating Systems are as follows:

  • Provides a user interface: Operating systems serve as a link between computer hardware and the people who use it. It allows the user to access the hardware in a methodical fashion.
  • File Management: To make navigation and usage more effective, a file system is organized into directories. These directories may include additional directories and files. Among other things, the operating system keeps track of where data is stored, user access settings, and the condition of each file.
  • Security: Password protection and other security features are used by the operating system to protect user data. It also guards against unauthorized access to programmes and user data.
  • Maintains system performance: By keeping an eye on the overall health of the system, it might help you get more out of it. Keep track of the time between service requests and system responses to get a complete picture of the system's health. This can help with performance by providing important information for debugging.
  • Memory Management: The operating system is in charge of the primary memory, also known as main memory. The main memory is made up of a large number of bytes or words, each with its own address. Main memory is a type of fast storage that the CPU can directly access. Before a programme can be executed, it must first be loaded into the main memory. An operating system manages memory by performing the following tasks:
    • It keeps track of primary memory, that is, which user programmes use specific memory bytes. Memory addresses that have already been assigned as well as those that have not yet been used.
    • In multiprogramming, the OS sets the order in which processes are allowed memory access and for how long. When a process requests memory, it is allocated, and memory is released when the process quits or performs an I/O activity.
  • Error detection: The operating system continuously monitors the system in order to detect errors and keep the machine from failing.
  • Device Management: Drivers are used by an operating system (OS) to handle device connectivity. It keeps track of all of the system's connected gadgets. The Input/Output controller is a programme that manages all of the devices in the system. Determines which processes and for how long are permitted access to a device. Devices are distributed in an effective and efficient manner. A device gets deallocated when it is no longer required.
  • Processor Management: The operating system determines the order in which processes access the processor and the amount of processing time each process has in a multiprogramming environment.

16. What is classloader in Java? States its various types.

The Java Virtual Machine's Classloader subsystem is in charge of loading class files. When we execute a Java application, the classloader loads it first.

The following are Java's three built-in classloaders:

  • ClassLoader in Bootstrap: ClassLoader is the superclass of Extension classloader, which is the default classloader in Bootstrap. It loads the rt.jar file, which contains all Java Standard Edition class files, including java.lang,, java.util,, and java.sql.
  • Extension ClassLoader: This is the parent of System ClassLoader and the child of Bootstrap ClassLoader. The $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory's jar files are loaded.
  • System or Application ClassLoader: System or Application ClassLoader is the child classloader of Extension ClassLoader. The classpath is used to load the class files. By default, the classpath is set to the current directory. To change the classpath, use the "-cp" or "-classpath" switches.

17. What do you understand about Socket Programming? State the advantages and disadvantages of Sockets in Java.

Socket programming is a technique for allowing two network nodes to communicate. One socket (node) listens for traffic on a specified port at a specific IP address, while the other socket connects to it. The listener socket is created by the server while the client is connected to it.

Some advantages of Java Sockets are as follows:

  • Sockets are versatile and sufficient. Socket based programming is straightforward to implement for ordinary communications.
  • Sockets are to blame for low network traffic. Unlike HTML forms and CGI scripts, which construct and send entire web pages for each new request, Java applets can simply send the changed information.

Some disadvantages of Java Sockets are as follows:

  • Security constraints can be burdensome at times because a Java applet running in a Web browser can only connect to the machine from which it came and nowhere else on the network.
  • Socket based connections, despite all of Java's advantages, are limited to the delivery of raw data packets between programs. Both the client and the server must provide mechanisms for turning the data into something useful.
  • Because data formats and protocols are application-specific, socket-based systems are limited in their reusability.

18. Define IPSec and state its components.

IP security (IPSec) is a set of protocols developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to provide data authentication, integrity, and confidentiality between two communication points over an IP network. It also specifies the encryption, decryption, and authentication of packets. It defines the protocols for secure key management and key exchange.

It is made up of the following components:

  • Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP): Data integrity, encryption, authentication, and anti-replay are all supplied by the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). Payload authentication is also supported.
  • Header of Authentication (AH): Data integrity, authentication, and anti-replay are also supported by this header, but not encryption. Unwanted packet transmission is protected by anti-replay protection. It does not guarantee data privacy.
  • IKE (Internet Key Exchange): IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is a network security protocol that allows two devices to communicate across a Security Association by dynamically exchanging encryption keys (SA). The Security Association (SA) creates common security features between two network entities to facilitate secure communication. IKE (Internet Key Exchange) secures message content and provides an open framework for implementing standard algorithms such as SHA and MD5. The IP sec users of the technique assign a unique identifier to each packet. Using this identifier, the device can assess whether a packet is correct or not. Unauthorized packets are discarded and do not reach their intended receiver.

19. Define Macros in C/C++. Explain with an example.

Macros in C/C++ are constants in the preprocessor that are replaced at compile time. As a result, a macro is a named block of code within a programme. When the compiler detects this name, it replaces it with the actual piece of code. The disadvantage of macros is that they are not function calls, but rather code changes. Similarly, when substituting the identical values, they have the advantage of saving time.

In the sample code snippet given below, all instances of the phrases TEXT, EVEN, and SUMMATION will be replaced with whatever is in their body.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// Macros are being defined below
#define EVENNUMBER 4
#define ODDNUMBER 3
#define ADD (4 + 3)
// Main function of the C++ Program
int main()
  cout << "String: " << HELLOWORLD << "\n";
  cout << "Even Number is: << EVENNUMBER << "\n";
  cout << "Odd Number is: << ODDNUMBER << "\n";
  cout << "The sum of the given even and odd numbers is: " << ADD << "\n"; 
  return 0;

20. Explain a copy constructor with the help of an example.

A copy constructor is a member function that uses another object of the same class to initialize an object. Our copy constructor can be defined by us. If no copy constructor is defined, the default copy constructor is used.

// Including all the header files
// class showing the usage of a copy constructor 
class Fun{
   long long a,b;
   Fun(long long _a, long long _b){
       this -> a = _a;
       this -> b = _b;
// Main function of the C++ program
int main(){
   Fun obj1(5LL,7LL);
   Fun obj2 = obj1;//In this line, the copy constructor will be called
   return 0;

The above-mentioned code snippet shows how the copy constructor is used to define the object "obj2" using the already existing object "obj1".

21. What are your thoughts on Structured Programming?

Structured Programming is a programming paradigm in which the control flow is completely structured. A structure is a block that has a set of rules and has a defined control flow, such as (if/then/else), (while and for), block structures, and subroutines. Nearly all programming paradigms, including the Object-Oriented Programming model, require structured programming.

22. Define Storage Classes in C. State the various storage classes which are present in C.

Storage Classes are used to define the properties of a variable or function. Scope, visibility, and longevity are all qualities that allow us to track the presence of a variable during the execution of a programme. There are four storage classes in the C programming language:

  • Auto: This is the default storage class for all variables specified inside a function or a block. Auto variables can only be utilized within the block/function in which they were defined; they can't be used outside (which defines their scope). They can, however, be accessed outside of their scope by using pointers, which point to the memory address where the variables are kept. They are given a garbage value by default whenever they are declared.
  • Static: Static variables are often used in C language programs, and this storage type is used to declare them. Even after they have been removed from their scope, static variables can keep their value! As a result, we may assert that they are only initialized once and live only till the programme terminates. No fresh memory is allocated because they are not declared again. They have a limited scope that is restricted to the role they have been allocated. Global static variables in the programme can be accessed from anywhere in the code. By default, the compiler assigns a value of 0 to these.
  • Register: This storage class declares register variables, which are functionally comparable to auto variables. The only difference is that if there is a free registration available, the compiler will attempt to store these variables in the CPU's register. If no free registers are available, the data is kept in memory alone. The register keyword is used to create a few variables that will be accessed frequently in a programme, hence speeding up its execution. A register variable's address cannot be accessed via pointers, which is an important fact to note.
  • Extern: The storage class extern merely means that the variable is defined outside of the block in which it is referenced. In essence, the value is assigned to it in another block, which can then be overwritten/changed in another block. Any function or block can make a regular global variable extern by using the 'extern' keyword before its declaration or definition. This indicates that instead of establishing a new variable, we're simply accessing and using the global variable. The extern keyword can be used to extend the visibility of variables and functions. Because functions are visible throughout the programme by default, the use of extern in function declarations or definitions is unnecessary. Its use is self-evident. When you use extern to declare a variable, you are not actually defining it.

23. What are structs in C programming? Write down their syntax and an example of the same.

A structure or struct in C programming is a user-defined data type that lets us mix data items of a lot of types. A structure is basically used to represent a record.

The syntax of structs in C programming is given below:

struct nameOfStruct
      data member definition;
      data member definition;
      data member definition;

An example of structs in C programming is given below:

struct Node{
   int val;
   Node *next;

24. What are unions in C programming? Write down their syntax and an example of the same.

A union is a special data type in C that lets you store many data types in the same memory space. Although a union can have many members, only one of them has worth at any given time. Unions are a good way to reuse the same memory space for several tasks.

The syntax of unions in C programming is given below:

union nameOfUnion
      data member definition;
      data member definition;
      data member definition;

An example of unions in C programming is given below:

union book
char nameOfBook[15];
    char nameOfBookAuthor[15];
    int priceOfBook;

25. Define slice splicing in the field of software testing? State the types of slice splicing?

A program slice is a collection of statements from a program. If we wanted to build software in terms of compatible slices, we could code a slice and test it right away. We can then code and test more slices before putting them together into usable software. This procedure is known as slice splicing.

Static and dynamic slicing are the two types of slicing:

  • Slicing in a static state: A static slice of a program is made up of all statements that have the potential to modify the value of a variable at any time during the program's execution. Static slices are, on average, bigger. It takes into account every possible programme execution scenario.
  • Dynamic Slicing: A dynamic slice of a program is made up of all the statements that affect the value of a variable at any given time throughout the program's execution. Dynamic slices are, on average, smaller. It only takes into consideration the execution of a single program.

Apisero Interview Preparation

1. Interview preparation.

The following strategies for preparing for an Apisero interview are strongly advised for readers of this article:

  • To see how quickly you can solve a set of coding tasks, put yourself to the test. This will aid in the development of your problem-solving abilities as well as your logic frameworks.
  • Share your experiences and be prepared to demonstrate leadership, teamwork, professional and academic success, communication skills, and the ability to overcome hurdles.
  • Recognize your strengths and shortcomings, as well as the experiences and skills that qualify you for the position. Consider coming up with a unique example to help you stand out from the crowd. The interviewer wants to discover what drives you, why you are interested in the organization, and how your previous experience prepares you for the role.
  • It is always beneficial to maintain a positive and welcoming attitude. Begin the conversation on a positive note by confidently introducing yourself.
  • The more prepared you are for an interview, the better your chances of landing a job. Learn everything there is to know about interviews, including the stages, rounds, and questions. Answers to frequently requested questions should be prepared ahead of time for human resource development (HRD) and management interviews. You can also learn about firm performance, organizational structure, vision, and work-life balance, among other things.
  • Examine the organization's interview experience articles. This will give you a decent idea of how the actual interview will go and what to expect.
  • Consider doing a practice interview. This will give you a sense of how the interview will be conducted. You can use the InterviewBit platform to create mock interviews. You will be paired with your peers, and both of you will be allowed to interview, which will be beneficial to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average Apisero salary for freshers?

In India, a Fresher Software Development Engineer at Apisero can expect to earn roughly three lakhs and eighty thousand rupees per year (3,80,000 per year).

2. How many rounds of interviews are there in Apisero?

There are usually four rounds of interviews at Apisero, out of which the first three are for checking the technical knowledge of the candidate, while the last one is an HR round which checks whether or not the candidate is a cultural fit for the company. Learn More.

3. What type of company is Apisero?

Apisero is a MuleSoft Strategic and Salesforce Ridge Partner, headed by a creative team with over twenty-five years of integration experience. It specialises in using the MuleSoft software platform to provide a comprehensive range of integration services. As a global leader in consulting, technology services, and digital transformation, Apisero combines years of deep technical experience with cutting edge technologies to allow businesses to innovate and go digital faster.

4. Why do you want to join Apisero?

Apisero recruits and develops top talent by offering comprehensive and fast-paced growth opportunities based on a digital learning environment that is accessible at any time, from any location, and on any device. Apisero is an excellent place to begin your career as a new employee. It provides an excellent working environment as well as a friendly setting with a good aura that is conducive to personal and corporate growth. As a result, Apisero's employees are sufficiently motivated to work there.

5. What is the C4E interview in Apisero?

The C4E interview in Apisero aims at checking the technical knowledge of the candidate applying at Apisero. Basic questions on sorting, searching, trees, stacks, queues are asked. Interviewers can also ask the candidates to write SQL queries and basic computational questions and some scenario-based questions can also be expected. Major topics of subjects like computer networks, cloud computing, machine learning, data structures and algorithms and Database Management Systems should be known to the candidate to ace this interview.

6. How should you respond to the following question: Why are you suitable for this job position?

When asked questions like these, you should emphasise your qualities and talents that are relevant to the job. The following is an example of a typical response to this question:

"I am certain that I am qualified for this position for a multitude of reasons, but most importantly because of my determination to succeed. I possess all of the talents necessary to thrive in this position. I am always in the attempt of educating myself in the latest technologies. My qualifications and talents perfectly match the needs of this job position. Above all, I am a strong candidate for that post because of my communication and leadership abilities."

7. How should you respond to the following behavioural question: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is, without a doubt, one of the most commonly asked topics in HR interviews. You should not appear overconfident in your response to this question. Dealing with mistakes, on the other hand, does not appear to be unreliable. Being truthful is always a good idea. The following are some of the advantages that can be addressed in the interview:

  • I am a team player who is goal-oriented and eager to learn new things on a daily basis.
  • I am an excellent communicator.
  • My capacity to handle pressure and remain calm in challenging times distinguishes me.
  • I have strong leadership qualities that will benefit me in the long run.

Let us now have a look at some of the flaws that are worth mentioning during the interview:

  • When I am new to a certain technology or situation, I feel a lot of self-doubts.
  • I am a self-critical person.
  • I am afraid of being on stage (fear of speaking in front of a large crowd)

It is critical to admit mistakes, but it is also critical to explain how you worked to rectify them. This will give the sense to the interviewer that you are always looking for ways to improve.

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