Follow these 10 Basic Rules to ensure you crack every interview


Gain a thorough understanding of the company's mission, values, and recent projects to demonstrate your genuine interest during the interview.

1. Research the Company

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Brush up on core technical concepts and algorithms to confidently answer fundamental questions and solve coding problems.

2. Master the Basics

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3. Practice, Practice, Practice

Solve coding challenges regularly to sharpen your problem-solving skills and familiarize yourself with different algorithms and data structures.

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4. Know Your Resume Inside Out

Be prepared to discuss every detail on your resume, highlighting relevant projects and experiences that showcase your software engineering expertise.

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5. Understand Behavioral Questions

Anticipate and practice answering common behavioral questions to demonstrate your soft skills and ability to work effectively in a team.

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6. Leverage the STAR Method

Use the Situation, Task, Action, & Result (STAR) method to structure your answers for behavioral questions, providing concise & impactful responses.

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7. Show Your Problem-Solving Process

Explain your approach and thinking behind solving coding problems, emphasizing your ability to break down complex tasks into manageable steps.

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Prepare insightful questions about the role, team dynamics, and future projects to demonstrate your genuine curiosity & interest in the position.

8. Ask Thoughtful Questions

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Send a thank-you note or email expressing your gratitude and reiterating your interest in the position, leaving a positive impression on the interviewers.

9. Follow-Up After the Interview

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Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in software engineering, showcasing your enthusiasm for ongoing professional development.

10. Continuous Learning

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