Git Commands List Every Programmer Should Know


Clone or copy a target repository. Command-  git clone -b <Branch_name> <Repo_URL>

1. git clone

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Keep your changes on a separate branch until they are ready. Command-  git branch <branch_name>

2. git branch

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3. git checkout

Used to switch branches or restore files in Git. Command- Checkout or create a branch. git checkout <branch_name>

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4. git commit

Record and track changes made in the repository.  Command-   git commit

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5. git switch branch

Easily switch from one branch to another. Command-  git checkout <branch_name>

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6. git fetch

Download the latest changes from the remote repository. Command-   git fetch <branch_name>

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7. git merge

Merge branches while preserving history and context.  Command- Switch to a new branch git merge. <branch_name>

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8. git status

Display the state of the staging area and repository.  Command- git status

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Combine commits and maintain a linear project history.  Command-  git rebase <branch_name>

9. git rebase

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10. git pull

Fetch the latest updates from the remote server.  Command-  git pull

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