Hidden C++ Features       That Will Impress       Interviewers


Showcase your understanding of rvalue references & forwarding, a powerful technique for passing arguments to functions without losing their value category.

Perfect Forwarding


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CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)

Demonstrate your knowledge of this template-based design pattern that's used to achieve static polymorphism.

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SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error)

Impress interviewers with your ability to use SFINAE to enable or disable function templates based on type traits.

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User-Defined Literals

Show your expertise by defining custom literals to work with your own data types, making your code more expressive.

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Variadic Templates

Highlight your skills in working with templates that can take a variable number of arguments, enabling flexible and generic code.

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Tag Dispatching

Prove your expertise in using tag dispatching to select function overloads based on tag types, enhancing code clarity and maintainability.

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C++17 Fold Expressions

Showcase your knowledge of fold expressions to perform operations on parameter packs, a feature introduced in C++17.

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Type Erasure

Showcase your ability to create flexible and polymorphic interfaces without exposing implementation details.

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Placement New & Custom Memory Allocators

Impress interviewers with your understanding of memory management and control using placement new and custom allocators.

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C++20 Concepts

Highlight your expertise in the latest C++ standard by demonstrating the use of concepts to define and enforce constraints on template parameters.

Ready to  Take the Next Step in Your Career?

This comprehensive guide will help you prepare for all aspects of the interview process.  Don't miss out on your next opportunity!

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