Java Security        Vulnerabilities to        Be Aware Of


A persistent threat that injects malicious scripts into web app content, potentially stealing sensitive data. Prevent by rejecting or escaping special characters in user input.

1. Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

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Malicious scripts activated through links, stealing session authentication. Implement user input validation and educate users to reduce risks.

2. Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

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3. SQL Injection Attacks

Malicious SQL injected into data requests can lead to data breaches. Prevent this by implementing server-side validation to block unwanted characters.

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User input can lead to unintended server-side code execution. Protect against this vulnerability with input validation, output sanitization, & escaping.

4. Code Injections

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Attacks execute shell commands on the web server; legacy code can introduce vulnerabilities. Use Java API for command line operations.

5. Command Injections

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6. Connection String Injection

Attackers inject parameters into connection strings, bypassing authentication. Secure your Java app by rejecting or escaping unwanted characters.

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Exploits input validation to inject executable LDAP queries. Escape or reject LDAP special characters in user input to prevent this vulnerability.

7. LDAP Injection

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Attackers change resource identifiers to execute scripts, exposing sensitive data. Define resources cautiously, & validate user input.

8. Resource Injection

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Attacker adds malicious script but doesn't execute it immediately. Inject code into trusted sources, making detection harder.

9. Second Order SQL Injection

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Similar to SQL injection but in XML format. Use precompiled XPaths and avoid full expressions from unsecured sources to prevent attacks.

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10. XPath Injection

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