Lesser-Known                  Linux Commands That Will Amaze You


Avoid permission denied errors by using sudo !!. It repeats the last command with superuser privileges.

1. sudo !! Command

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Generate a simple web page for directory structure using python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000. Access it in your browser until you interrupt the signal.

2. python Command

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Combine ping and traceroute with mtr command. Install it via apt or yum if not available.

3. mtr Command

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Admins and developers rejoice! Open an instant editor by pressing Ctrl+x+e in the terminal.

4. Ctrl+x+e Command

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Number lines in a file with nl command. Use cat to view file content before numbering.

5. nl Command

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Randomly select lines/files/folders with shuf command. Try it with ls to see shuffled folder contents.

6. shuf Command

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Investigate sockets with ss command for TCP and state info, similar to netstat but with more details.

7. ss Command

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View login history with last command. See a list of logged-in and logged-out users from /var/log/wtmp.

8. last Command

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Quickly find your external IP address in the terminal with curl ifconfig.me.

9. curl ifconfig.me

Learn basic to advanced Linux commands with  Linux Cheat Sheet!

Visualize running processes and their child processes in a tree-like format using pstree. Similar to 'tree' command output.

10. pstree Command

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Check out a comprehensive Linux Commands Cheatsheet by IntervewBit, packed with basic and advanced Linux Commands with examples to help you become proficient in Linux.

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