Proven Steps To Prepare For Your FAANG (MAANG) Interview


Understand the company's products, culture, and interview process. Know what skills they seek for the job. Typically, there are 5-7 interview rounds.

Research the Company and Job Profile


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Master Tech Skills

Gain proficiency in programming languages (e.g., Java, Python), Data Structures & Algorithms, Core CS Subjects, and optionally System Design.

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Practice Programming Problems

Solve coding problems to enhance your DSA skills. Participate in coding contests for more exposure and a better resume.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!


Prepare for Project-Based Questions

Be ready to answer questions about your technical projects, including challenges, tech stacks used, and management approaches.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!


Use Mock Interviews & Test Series

Assess your preparation with mock interviews and test series. Seek feedback from mentors or peers to improve.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!


Polish Problem-Solving and Communication

Work on efficient problem-solving and communication skills to excel in technical interviews.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!


Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Be aware of the latest industry trends and technologies, as they might be asked in FAANG interviews.

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Prepare for Behavioral and System Design Interviews

Practice answering behavioral questions and familiarize yourself with system design concepts.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!


Leverage Online Resources and Interview Prep Courses

Use platforms like GeeksforGeeks, LeetCode, and Interviewbit for resources and enroll in specialized FAANG interview courses.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!


Stay Calm and Confident

Maintain a positive mindset, stay confident, and trust in your abilities during the interview process.

Practice mock interviews online for free  with InterviewBit!

STEP- 10

Ready to  unlock your dream software career?

Amp up your interview preparation with InterviewBit's free online mock interview. Get the experience and confidence you need to ace the real thing.

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