Things Java             Developers Should             Learn in 2024


Embrace DevOps practices for streamlined development and deployment. Gain an understanding of tools and principles to improve efficiency.

1. DevOps

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Become a Git pro! Learn command-line Git for version control, collaboration, and managing code changes effectively.

2. Git Mastery

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3. Java 9-18

While mastering Java 8 is key, dive into newer features like modules, reactive streams, and HTTP client enhancements in Java 9 and beyond.

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4. Spring Framework 6

Stay updated with Spring!  Learn about Spring 6's reactive programming, recent Java feature adoption, and testing improvements.

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5. Unit Testing Expertise

Level up your testing game!  Explore frameworks like JUnit 5, Mockito, and tools for unit and integration testing to write high-quality code.

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6. RESTful Web Services

Master REST APIs!  Learn how to build secure and scalable RESTful web services using Spring, a highly sought-after skill.

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7. Spring Security 6.0

Up your security game!  Learn about the latest Spring Security features, including bug fixes and the crucial OAuth 2 module.

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8. Cloud Adoption 

Learn about cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP to deploy and manage Java applications in a scalable and cost-effective way.

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9. Modern Frontend Frameworks

Expand your horizons!  Consider learning a popular JavaScript framework like Angular or React to build dynamic web applications.

Looking for DevOps Interview Questions  to prepare for?

10. Microservices Architecture

Explore microservices architecture for building large, complex applications by decomposing them into smaller, independent services. This promotes agility and maintainability.

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