things you can create using Java 8


Create concise and functional code with lambda expressions, simplifying functional programming in Java 8.

Functional Interfaces & Lambda Expressions


Looking for Java 8 Interview Questions  to Prepare for?

Optional Class

Prevent NullPointerExceptions and handle null values effectively using Java 8's Optional class.


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Default & Static Methods In Interfaces

Extend interfaces without breaking existing code, thanks to default and static methods in Java 8.


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Java Stream API For Bulk Data Operations On Collections

Efficiently process collections using functional-style operations like filter, map, and reduce with Java Stream API.


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Java Date Time API

Effectively manage dates and times, avoiding issues from the old Date and Calendar classes.


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Collection API Improvements

Enhance collections handling with new methods like forEach, removeIf, and replaceAll introduced in Java 8.


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Java IO Improvements

Experience enhanced I/O operations with new methods and classes, making file handling easier in Java 8.


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Base64 Encode Decode

Easily encode and decode data to/from Base64 format with built-in Java 8 methods.


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Parallel Processing With Streams

Leverage parallel streams to improve performance by utilizing multiple cores for data processing.


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CompletableFuture for Asynchronous Programming


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Compose asynchronous operations with CompletableFuture, simplifying the handling of future results in Java 8.

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This comprehensive guide will help you prepare for all aspects of the interview process.  Don't miss out on your next opportunity!

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