Common HTML           Mistakes to Avoid          as a Web Developer


Always close your tags. Unclosed HTML tags can lead to unpredictable rendering issues. Double-check your markup.

1. Unclosed Tags

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2. Missing Doctype Declaration

Declare your document type. A missing doctype can trigger compatibility problems. Specify the doctype at the beginning of your HTML document.

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Overusing <div> tags can make your code messy. Use semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, and <footer> where appropriate.

3. Excessive Divitis

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4. Neglecting Alt Text

Don't skip Alt Text. For accessibility and SEO, provide meaningful alt text for all images. It helps screen readers and search engines understand content.

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5. Overreliance on Tables

Tables aren't for layout. Avoid using elements for layout purposes. Use CSS for styling and positioning instead.

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Embrace HTML5 semantics. HTML5 offers <section>, <article>, & more. Use them to give structure & meaning to your content.

6. Ignoring HTML5 Semantic Elements

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Separate style from content. Minimize inline styles. Use CSS files to keep your code organized and maintainable.

7. Inline Styles

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8. Neglecting Validation

Validate your code. Run your HTML through a validator to catch errors and ensure compatibility across browsers.

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Optimize page performance. Large images, excessive scripts, & unoptimized resources can slow down your site. Optimize for a better user experience.

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9. Heavy Page Loads

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10. Unresponsive Design

Prioritize responsiveness. Ensure your website looks and works well on various devices and screen sizes. Use media queries and fluid layouts.

Include meta tags. Meta tags like <title> and <meta description> are crucial for SEO and enhancing user experience.

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11. Forgetting Meta Tags

Test across browsers. Check your site's appearance and functionality on different browsers to prevent compatibility issues.

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12. Ignoring Browser Compatibility

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