Types of Tests               Every Developer Should Know


Verify individual units or components of code to ensure they work as expected and catch bugs early.

1. Unit Testing

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Test interactions between multiple units to ensure they integrate smoothly and identify interface issues.

2. Integration Testing

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Validate the functionality of the software to ensure it meets the specified requirements.

3. Functional Testing

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Re-test modified code to ensure new changes doesn't adversely affect existing functionalities.

4. Regression Testing

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Assess software's speed, responsiveness, and stability under varying conditions to optimize performance.

5. Performance Testing

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Identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system to ensure data and user information remain protected.

6. Security Testing

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Evaluate system behavior under expected and peak loads to determine its capacity limits.

7. Load Testing

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Check the user-friendliness and user experience to enhance the overall usability of the application.

8. Usability Testing

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Verify the entire software workflow to ensure all components work together cohesively.

9. End-to-End Testing

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Ensure the software meets business requirements and is ready for deployment.

10. Acceptance Testing

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An unscripted testing approach where developers explore the software to uncover hidden defects & assess user experience.

11. Exploratory Testing

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Quick verification to check critical functionalities, ensuring the software is stable enough for further testing.

12. Smoke Testing

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Compare two versions of an application to determine which performs better and provides better user engagement.

13. A/B Testing

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Ensure the software functions seamlessly across various devices, browsers, and operating systems.

14. Compatibility Testing

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Validate the software's adaptability to different languages, cultural preferences, and regional formats.

15. Localization Testing

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