Programming Languages Beginners Should Learn

1. C#

A modern object-oriented programming language used to build Windows apps, games, and more. It's a beginner-friendly language that's easy to learn and highly versatile.

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A go-to language for system programming, operating systems, & embedded systems. It offers low-level control over hardware resources & is known for its speed and efficiency.

2. C++

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A popular language for building Android mobile apps, desktop apps & server-side programming. Its "write once, run anywhere" approach makes it ideal for cross-platform development.

3. Java

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A must-learn language for web developers. It's used to create interactive & dynamic web pages, & its popularity has skyrocketed with the rise of frameworks like React & Angular.

4. JavaScript

Ready to sharpen your programming skills?

An easy-to-learn language that's great for beginners. It's versatile enough to be used in web development, data analysis, AI, & more. Plus, its clean syntax makes it a joy to work with.

5. Python

Ready to sharpen your programming skills?

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