Advanced SQL  Queries Essential for Data Science Interviews


Combine data from multiple tables using various types of JOINs while filtering or manipulating data with subqueries for detailed analysis.


Complex Joins and Subqueries

Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?

Window Functions for Analytical Tasks

Apply functions over a set of rows relative to the current row to perform complex calculations like ranking or running totals.


Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?

CTE and Recursive Queries

Define temporary result sets using the WITH clause for clearer, more reusable SQL queries, including handling hierarchical data with recursion. 


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PIVOT Tables for Data Transformation


Transform rows into columns to summarize data, making it easier to read & analyze distinct values from one column across multiple columns.

Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?

Dynamic SQL for Flexible Queries

Create adaptable SQL queries that dynamically change based on variable conditions or inputs, enhancing query flexibility and reusability.


Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?

Utilize functions like COUNT(), SUM(), AVG() with GROUP BY and HAVING for detailed data aggregation and analysis.

Advanced Aggregate Functions


Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?

Search for specific patterns within data using LIKE, SIMILAR TO, or regular expressions, essential for data cleaning and text analysis.

Pattern Matching


Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?

Temporal Data and Time Series Analysis

Looking for SQL Interview Questions to prepare for?


Analyze time-series data by aggregating, comparing, and manipulating dates & times, essential for trend analysis and forecasting.

This comprehensive guide will help you prepare for all aspects of the interview process.  Don't miss out on your next opportunity!

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