Key Considerations When Interviewing a Java Developer


Don't be fooled by theoretical knowledge alone. Make sure your Java developer can walk the walk and code solutions, not just talk about them.

1. Know the Code from the Core

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2. Fresh Grads, Fresh Potential

Consider hiring fresh graduates as they provide a blank canvas for your development plans and can build upon their foundational knowledge.

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Test their knowledge of Java versions, especially Java 8, the current LTS version. Stay updated with the latest releases like Java 9 and 10.

3. Version Matters!

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Find out which Java frameworks they're familiar with. Discuss their previous work & implementation skills to ensure their experience aligns with your framework.

4. Framework Frenzy

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Verify their expertise in Java tools, such as Maven, Gradle, and CI tools like Jenkins. Question their experience with web services like SOAP and REST.

5. Mastering Java Tools

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Assess their familiarity with software development methodologies, like Agile & Scrum. Look for versatility & alignment with your preferred approach.

6. Agile or Waterfall? Or Both?

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Ensure the developer is well-versed in your development process, whether it's TDD or BDD. Find out if they prioritize testing or creating first, based on your business needs.

7. Process Proficiency

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Go beyond talking & give them a technical test or code review to assess practical skills. Consider live coding sessions or a Hackathon to see if they fit your team.

8. Test the Waters

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Ask about their latest project to gauge their practical experience, collaboration skills, and how they handle Java. Practical experience is a major indicator of their suitability.

9. Projects that Speak

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