A Quick Guide to the Best OOPS applications

Unlock the Power of OOPS

Looking to structure your code in a simple and reusable way? Look no further than OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming).

A programming paradigm that uses classes & objects to structure code. It has concepts like inheritance & polymorphism, with Smalltalk considered the first truly object-oriented language.

What is OOPs?

Want to know how OOP is widely adopted by software developers? Let’s explpre real-world applications of OOPs and gain a clear understanding of OOPs concepts —>>

1. Real-Time Systems  Real-time systems are information processing systems that can respond to events within specific time constraints. OOP techniques can be used to handle complexity involved in designing real-time systems.

2. Client Server System   A client-server system involves a relationship b/w cooperating programs in an application. OOPs are useful when designing this systems, providing adaptability, ease of modification, & reusability for code.

3. Hypertext and Hypermedia Hypertext and hypermedia are non-linear, multi-sequential tools that connect links to other texts and media. OOP helps in laying the framework for hypertext and hypermedia.

4. Object Oriented Database  Object-oriented databases store data in the form of real-world objects, maintaining a direct correspondence between real-world and database objects for identification and operation.

5. Neural Networks & Parallel Programming  Neural networks are algorithms that mimic human brain's ability to recognize relationships in data. Parallel programming & OOPs are used to simplify approximation & prediction ability of network.

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