ER Model in DBMS

A Quick Overview

ER Model  

Entity-Relationship Model

Also known as a high-level data model, ER model shows the relationship among the entity sets. It helps developers design the logical design of the system from a data perspective.

Introduction to ER Model

The ER diagram is used to sketch out a database design. It represent logical structure of databases by defining entities, their attributes, and their relationships.

What is an ER Diagram?

Used as a blueprint for implementing data in specific software applications. Provide an overview of how your tables will be connected, what fields each table will have.

Why use ER Diagram?

1. Entity  2. Attribute  3. Relationship

Main components of ER Diagram

1. One to One  It creates a relationship between two tables where one row of one table can only be related to one row of another table.

Types of Relationships

2. One to Many  It creates a relationship between two tables where one row of one table can only be related to one or more rows of another table.

Check out how to create ER diagrams and their various features.