A Quick Guide to the V-Model

Everything you need to know

V-models, also called Verification and Validation models, are interactions executed consecutively in a V-shaped. Phases are completed sequentially before next starts.

Introduction to V-Model

What makes V-Model different from Waterfall Model?

1. Left-half of the model- SDLC  2. Right half of the model- STLC  3. Whole figure resembles- V-model

V Model Design

There are 2 branches of V-Model that are divided into various phases-

Phases of V-Model

1. Verification It includes static examination technique (audit) that is managed without executing code. Item verification evaluates whether specified needs are met during item development.

2. Validation  It includes dynamic examination technique (utilitarian, non-practical) that is managed by executing code. It determines whether the product meets the client's expectations.

1. Exceptionally focused model. 2. Suitable for small projects with clearly stated requirements.  3. Tracking the progress is simple and quick.

Advantages of V-model

Discover how to use V-model  in a variety of applications.