A Quick Overview of Agile Model

Everything you need to know

Digital technology is rapidly expanding, leading to a growing demand for more sophisticated and diverse apps. This demand collides with high software development failure rates.

Introduction to Agile Methodology

This failure led to development of Agile Methodology. Agile began as a new way to manage software development in the software development industry.

Agile process models refer to software development approaches based on iterative development. Unlike long-term planning, agile divide projects into smaller sections or iterations.

What is Agile Model?

What is the purpose of a time box in an Agile model?

1. Interactions between individuals and groups about processes and tools. 2. Adapting to change in line with a strategy.

Essential Values of Agile Software Development

1. Requirement Gathering  2. Design the requirement 3. Develop/Iteration  4. Test  5. Deployment  6. Review/Feedback

Phases of Agile Model

1. Scrum  This methodology emphasizes task management within a team-based development environment. It supports working in small teams and empowers developers.

Agile Testing Methods

2. Extreme Programming (XP) It is useful when client's requirements are constantly changing, or when client is unsure of system's functionality. Encourages numerous “releases” of product in short development cycles.

See other agile testing methods as well as the pros and cons of using agile models.