Introduction to Ansible Architecture

Unlock the Power of Automation

Tired of repetitive manual tasks? Let Ansible do the work for you! Learn about the simple, yet powerful architecture of Ansible - the open-source configuration management tool.

Introduction to Ansible

An open-source IT automation platform used for configuration management, application deployment, & task automation. Designed with minimalism, consistency, security, reliability, & ease of use in mind.

Ansible is used to automate the deployment and configuration of systems like servers, virtual machines, & applications. It's easy to set up, easy to scale, & easy to use, making it a best choice for infrastructure deployments.

Why Use Ansible?

Ansible architecture is simple to grasp. It consists of management nodes, inventory file, & target nodes, all connected through SSH. It works by giving a description of desired state, followed by taking necessary steps to achieve it.

Ansible Architecture

1. Easy for beginners to understand due to its simple syntax.  2. Offers complete infrastructure security.  3. Well-suited for cloud-native platforms, including ONAP orchestration.

Advantages of Ansible

A cloud-based application that offers a central management console for inventory, roles & plays, reports, dashboards, and alerts. It can be deployed on-premises as well, making it the perfect solution for large enterprises.

Red Hat Ansible Engine

Uncover the secrets of Ansible architecture and its powerful benefits!

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