Big Data Architecture

A Quick Overview

Want to make better business decisions & increase confidence in your choices? Big data can help! Analyze this growing volume of diverse data for valuable insights.

Introduction to Big Data

Let's examine big data architecture and what makes it so valuable.

Big data architecture refers to the design and organization of a system that processes and stores large amounts of data.

What is Big Data Architecture?

There are two main types of big data architecture: Lambda and Kappa. Both architectures handle both real-time streaming and batch-processing data.

Types of Big Data Architecture

1. Lambda Architecture  Experience lightning-fast processing & unparalleled accuracy with this innovative system. It handles both batch & real-time data, allowing you to solve complex problems with ease.

2. Kappa Architecture This cost-effective system handles both real-time streaming and batch processing data, using message queues and enhanced speed layers to provide quick and efficient results.

Big data architecture often involves the exploration of new technologies and tools to improve the processing and analysis of large amounts of data.

Big Data Technologies

1. High-performance parallel computing  2. Elastic scalability  3. Freedom of choice  4. Ability to interoperate with other systems.

How can big data benefit you?

Big data architecture can come with its own set of challenges. 

Click the link below to discover these challenges.