Client Server Model

Unlock the Power of a Client-Server Relationship

Are you curious about how the internet works? Want to know more about the architecture behind distributed applications? Let's explore the Client-Server Model.

What is Client-Server Model?

A distributed computing architecture in which a server provides resources & services to one or more clients over a network. The client initiates communication with server to request services, & server responds to client's request.

Examples of client-server architectures that we encounter every day:    - Mail application   - Web servers    - File servers

1. Workstations:  Workstations, also known as client computers, are dependent on servers & send them requests for resources & services. Examples include laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.

Basic Components of Client Server Architecture

2. Servers  Servers are fast-processing devices that act as a centralized repository of programs, databases, & files. They perform various roles like hosting web apps, maintaining databases, sharing computer resources, & more.

3. Networking Devices   These devices connect clients and servers and perform various operations across the network, such as data transfer, network segmentation, and connecting multiple workstations to servers.

1. 1-tier architecture  All settings, including configuration, marketing, and data, are on a single device. This is reliable but can lead to duplication of work as data is stored in multiple locations.

Types of Client Server Architecture

2. 2-tier architecture   It separates the user interface and database, with business logic on either client or server side. It is faster than 1-tier but has fewer security & performance issues with more users. Example- online ticket reservation system.

Learn about the working of client server architecture works in different tiers.

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