JDBC Architecture

Everything you need to know

Want to learn about JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), the popular API for connecting to databases and performing SQL tasks with Java? Get ready to take your Java skills to the next level!

JDBC is a Sun Microsystems specification and is a Java API responsible for connecting to a database, issuing queries and commands, and processing database result sets.

Introduction to JDBC

JDBC was created as an alternative to ODBC API, which is written in C & platform-dependent. JDBC uses JDBC drivers & is written in Java, making it a "pure Java" option for database connectivity.

But why do we need JDBC?

In this, a Java applet or application communicates directly with the data source. This requires a JDBC driver to interface with the data source.

JDBC Architecture: Two-Tier

In this, commands are sent to a "middle tier" of services that transmit the commands to the data source. The results are then returned to the middle tier and passed on to the user.

JDBC Architecture: Three-Tier

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) are used in various fields & applications. Do you know what some of these are?

Applications of JDBC

1. Autoloading of Driver by JVM 2. Standard Connection Factory 3. Management Enhanced  4. Connection and Statement 5. Interface XML support

Features of JDBC

Are you on the fence about using JDBC for your project?

Discover the pros and cons of JDBC and make an informed decision.