An Overview of DBMS Architecture

Today, databases play a crucial role in handling mission-critical and sensitive data. Thus, these databases must be managed with secure, robust, and easy-to-use tools. Here comes DBMS.

DBMS enables the creation, access, maintenance, and management of databases. It make information management more efficient in many fields, from startups to large corporations.

Introduction to DBMS

What is DBMS Architecture?

A DBMS architecture describes the structure and how users are connected to a specific database system. Design and layout of a database are heavily influenced by DBMS architecture.

Since DBMS oversees database design, development, implementation, and maintenance, it affects database performance.  Data management is therefore highly dependent on DBMS architecture.

Importance of DBMS Architecture

DBMS architectures vary based on how users (clients) connect to the database servers to carry out their requests. It can be categorized as single-tier, two-tier, or multi-tier.

Types fo DBMS Architecture

1. 1-tier Architecture A simplest DBMS architecture, with database, server, and client all on same machine. User is directly in contact with database itself, allowing them to create, modify, and delete data.

Check out other DBMS Architecture types and their advantages.