Backend Technologies in 2023: What to Expect


1. Ruby on Rails

As a high-level, multipurpose, open-source backend framework written in Ruby, Rails offers a default structure for a database, web service, and web page for web app development.

2. Laravel

An MVC-based framework, Laravel offers an intuitive user interface, API support, and extended libraries to build modern and secure web applications.

3. CakePHP

As an open-source framework, CakePHP integrates a range of software engineering patterns and paradigms, including convention over configuration, active records, and front-end controls.

4. Django

Django framework uses the MTV architectural pattern to separate UI from business logic, allowing developers to quickly create sophisticated and database-driven websites.

5. Spring Boot

Java-based Spring Boot lets you create production-grade, standalone apps, and simplifies and speeds up the process of setting up, configuring, and running Web-based apps.

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