Best Practices for Securing Cloud-Based Applications


Limit the attack surface by removing non-essential applications and maintain an inventory of cloud applications and workloads for better visibility.

1. Reduce Your Risk of Attacks

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Create consistent policies for access management & security measures like multi-factor authentication & network security to ensure the continued security of all cloud-based assets.

2. Implement Cloud Security Policies

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Encourage employees to create strong passwords and change them frequently to protect personal account information and prevent phishing attacks.

3. Protect Your Passwords Strictly

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Integrate identity access management (IAM) to verify user authentication and access permissions, and add it directly to your applications.

4. Use Identity Access Management

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Focus specifically on data security at platform, database, and application levels by encrypting data and implementing identity-based access.

5. Focus on Data

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Use encryption at every stage to protect data at rest, in transit, and in use to prevent sensitive data leaks and ensure high-level security and privacy.

6. Encrypt Your Data

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Monitor cyber threats in real-time and leverage threat intelligence data to stay one step ahead of evolving application security threat landscapes.

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7. Monitor Threats

Want to Explore Different Types of Cloud Computing?

InterviewBit has got you covered! Click here to get details on each type with the advantages of cloud computing.

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