Best Software Engineering Books: Top Picks

Introduction to Algorithms

The book contains many methods and tips about topics like dynamic programming, edge-based flow, and multithreading.

Clean Architecture

This book will help you learn more about data management, component separation, etc. You'll learn what matters in coding and what you can skip.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

This book provides you with all the details you need in order to mold a badly written code into a clean one.  The reader will find a number of case studies and practical examples.

Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

The book begins with a detailed explanation of what coding is. Everything is described as a story, which makes the book an great  way to familiarize yourself with basic concepts.

The Art of Computer Programming

It covers all the essentials of designing themes, including HTML, CSS, PHP, and how to use Theme Customizer. Also, features like new admin bar, custom post types, fields, etc.

Code Complete

This book is very popular among many programmers and coders. Also, the writer will provide insight into the best methods for enforcing a particular principle.

Programming Pearls

The book presents straightforward and extraordinary solutions to the programming difficulties that one might be facing. Solutions offered are also applicable to real-world problems.

The Pragmatic Programmer

A wide range of topics are covered in the book, including self-assessment and career development. The chapters conclude with practice problems that will help you improve your skills.

Find out what else is available on Software Engineering Books.