How is Coding different from Programming?


Know the Differences


What is Coding?

Coding is the process of converting normal language into machine instructions, and coders use an intermediate language to guide the machine's step-by-step actions.


What is Programming?

Software production is concerned with programming, which involves coding as a key component. Programming also include research, design, testing, implementation, and management.


Comparison based on Tools

 - In Coding, IDEs like Eclipse & Wordpad are used to translate code into machine-readable form.            - Programming involves use of tools like analysis tools, code generators, databases, etc.


Comparison based on Prerequisites

 - Coding requires a basic understanding of programming languages like C, Java, and C#.  - Programming requires analytical skills, problem-solving skills, data structures, along with the coding.


Comparison based on Technique

 - Coding is a trial-and-error technique that requires no prior preparation.   - The programming process requires an orderly approach along with attention to detail.


Comparison based on Approach

 - Code can be written without prior preparation, & a basic solution can be created within hours.   - Programming requires a rigorous & comprehensive approach that can take weeks or months.


Comparison based on Output

 - Coding produces functional code.  - Programming produces either software, applications, or websites as output.


Here's a detailed comparison between Coding and Programming.