Data Science  Vs  Machine Learning

What's the difference?


Are you trying to understand the difference between data science and machine learning? Keep reading to find out!


Want to understand the power of data? Data science is the study of data collection and analysis, using tools and algorithms to extract valuable insights from data.

What is Data Science?


To succeed in this field, you'll need a strong understanding of ML algorithms, data mining. Also, skills in programming, statistics and linear algebra, expertise in databases like SQL & MongoDB.

Ready to become a data science pro?


Are you ready to revolutionize the way computers learn? Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that allows systems to automatically improve their performance by learning from data.

What is Machine learning?


From virtual assistants to fraud detection, applications of ML are vast. To succeed in this field, you'll need understanding of ML algorithms, also, skills in math, programming (Python or R), & data modeling.

Aspiring to become a ML pro?


 - Data science focuses on identifying hidden patterns & valuable insights in data.  - ML allows computers to learn from data by observing patterns & making decisions without explicit programming.

Comparison based on Approach


 - Data science involves activities like data collection, data cleaning, & data processing.  - ML involves 3 types of learning: unsupervised, reinforcement, and supervised learning.

Comparison based on Activities


 - Data science can work with various types of data, including raw, structured, and unstructured. - Machine Learning mostly relies on structured data to function.

Comparison based on Types of data


Ready to dive deeper into the differences between Data Science and ML? Click here to start learning.