GraphQL  Vs  REST


A Detailed Comparison


What is GraphQL?

An open-source query language for retrieving and manipulating data for APIs, as well as a runtime for executing queries with existing data.


What is REST?

REST or Representational State Transfer is an API conforming to the REST architectural style and allows to interact with RESTful web services.


Comparison based on Schema/Type System

GraphQL follows a strong type system for defining APIs. Schemas enable front end and back end teams to work independently, whereas REST does not follow a schema or type system.


Comparison based on Architecture

REST uses a server-driven architecture, while GraphQL uses a client-driven architecture.


Comparison based on Documentation

REST has a wide range of options for automated documentation like API Blueprint and OpenAPI, whereas GraphQL has a single tool, GraphiQL.


Comparison based on Error Detection

GraphQL complicates the handling of HTTP status codes which are used to identify errors, while REST makes it easy to identify errors using HTTP status codes.


Comparison based on Data Format

GraphQL only supports JSON representation, while REST APIs support multiple formats.


Check out detailed comparison of GraphQL and REST with their features.