Difference between HTML  and CSS

A Side-by-Side Comparison


Curious about the design of beautiful websites? Want to learn how to create your own? HTML & CSS are building blocks of any website, but they serve different purposes.  Lets check them out —>>


HTML, the backbone of any website, is the code that structures the content and layout of a webpage. It's the foundation on which any website is built.

What is HTML?


 - Not case-sensitive and is Platform-independent.   - Contains display information for browsers.   - Allows for adding images, videos, and hyperlinks.

Features of HTML


CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is the language used to add style and design to HTML-structured webpages. It's the secret sauce that makes websites visually appealing.

What is CSS?


 - Control the presentation of a webpage.   - Allows for manipulation of colors, fonts, spacing, & more.   - Create a responsive design for different screen sizes.

Features of CSS


 - HTML is used for creating the structure of a webpage.  - CSS is used for styling and design. 

Comparison based on Purpose


 - HTML uses tags to define elements on a page.   - CSS uses selectors and properties to control the styling of those elements.

Comparison based on Syntax


 - HTML allows for insertion of media like videos, images, & hyperlinks on a webpage.   - CSS provides ability to control positioning, spacing, & styling of those media elements.

Comparison based on Design Control


Are you ready to become a web development master?

Dive into the ultimate guide to understanding HTML and CSS in detail.