RabbitMQ  Vs  Kafka


What are the differences?


What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is message-queuing software that supports multiple message protocols like Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, etc.


What is Kafka?

Kafka is a distributed architecture capable of processing messages with greater volume and velocity. Designed to handle millions of messages per second from real-time applications.


Comparison Based on Pull/Push Approach

 - RabbitMQ uses a push-based model with a smart producer, which means the producer decides when to push data.   - Kafka uses a pull-based model with a smart consumer.


Comparison Based on Performance

 - Kafka can handle up to 1 million messages per second.   - RabbitQ can handle up to 10K messages per second.


Comparison Based on Data Usage

 - RabbitMQ is best suited to handle transactional data, such as order placements, and user requests.   - Kafka performs best with operational data, such as process activity, auditing, and logging statistics.


Comparison Based on Data Flow

 - RabbitMQ uses a distinct, bounded data flow. Producers create and send messages, and consumers receive them.    - Kafka uses an unbounded data flow, with key-value pairs continuously streaming.


Comparison Based on Topology

 - RabbitMQ uses the exchange queue topology.   - Kafka employs the publish/subscribe topology.


Comparison Based on Routing Messages

 - RabbitMQ supports complex routing based on event types.   - Kafka does not support complex routing; however, we can subscribe to individual topics.


Here's a detailed comparison between RabbitMQ and Kafka with their features.