How many total SQL commands are there?

Ready to explore SQL Commands?

Have you ever wondered how databases work their magic? SQL commands are the key behind the curtain, allowing you to create, manage, and manipulate data.

SQL Commands: The Magic Behind Databases

Curious to learn DDL commands with examples?

1. Data Definition Language (DDL)  DDL commands are used to define and modify database structures. They include CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and TRUNCATE.

Imagine you are starting a new project and need to create a new database. You would use the CREATE command to define the structure of the database and the tables within it.

Ready to dive into detail?

2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)  DML commands are used to manipulate data within the database. They include INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT.

Curious to learn DML commands with examples?

You need to add new data to an existing table. You would use the INSERT command to add new rows of data to the table.

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3. Data Control Language (DCL)  DCL commands are used to control access to the database. They include GRANT and REVOKE.

Curious to learn DCL commands with examples?

You need to give a new user access to the database. You would use the GRANT command to give them the appropriate permissions.

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4. Transaction Control Language (TCL)  TCL commands are used to manage transactions within the database. They include COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.

Curious to learn TCL commands with examples?

Let's say you accidentally update customer information incorrectly. You would use TCL commands to roll back the changes and revert the data to its previous state.

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5. Data Query Language (DQL) DQL commands are used to query the database for specific data. They include SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and JOIN.

Curious to learn DQL commands with examples?

You need to retrieve specific data from database. You would use SELECT command to specify which data you want, & FROM & WHERE clauses to specify which table & rows to retrieve it from.

Ready to dive into detail?

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