How to Master  Peer-to-Peer Interview ?

Tips for Success

Observe and adapt to the atmosphere and attitude of your interviewers.

1. Read the Room

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

2. Be Professional

Don't get too casual during the interview, maintain a professional demeanor.

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

3. Use the STAR Method

Answer performance-based questions with the Situation, Task, Action, Result method.

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

4. Check for Clarity

Ask your interviewers if your answers are making sense and if they need further explanation.

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

5. Connect as People

Try to build a rapport with your interviewers as human beings, not just potential colleagues.

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

6. Reflect on Fit

Honest self-reflection on whether you would be a good fit for the team's culture.

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

7. Make it Easy to say Yes

Look for opportunities to make it easier for your interviewers to decide to hire you.

Check out Software Engineer Resume Sample

8. Be confident & genuine

Showcase your true self and believe in your capabilities to ace the interview.

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