How to Prepare for a Technical Interview in 

1 Week

Solve problems like Majority Element, Max Sum Contiguous Subarray, and Balanced Parantheses on the first day of your interview prep.

Day 1 - Practice Coding Problems

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Develop your problem-solving skills with Swap List Nodes in Pairs, Find Duplicate in Array, and Level Order problems.

Day 2 - Build Your Problem-Solving Skills

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Tackle advanced problems like Rain Water Trapped, Repeat and Missing Number Array, and Meeting Rooms to enhance your technical skills.

Day 3 - Dive into Complex Problem Solving

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Test your coding skills with Longest Increasing Subsequence, Knight on Chess Board, K Reverse Linked List, and Right View of Binary Tree problems.

Day 4 - Sharpen Your Coding Abilities

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Improve your proficiency in Edit Distance, Longest Palindromic Substring, Rotated Sorted Array Search, and Root to Leaf Paths with Sum.

Day 5 - Master String Manipulation & Search Algorithms

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Learn Array 3 Pointers, Least Common Ancestor, NEXTGREATER, and 0-1 Knapsack to enhance your algorithm & data structure understanding.

Day 6 - Boost Your Knowledge of DSA

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Practice the most challenging problems in the kit, such as Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks III, Water, Valid Path, and Min Cost Path, to prepare for your technical interview.

Day 7 - Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills for the Final Stretch

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Ready to take your programming skills to the next level?

Look no further than InterviewBit's 1-Week Interview Preparation Kit! Jam-packed with practice problems & coding challenges, this study plan will have you acing interviews in no time.

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