How to Ace  Your Technical Interview in Just  1 Month?

Everything you need to know

Solve problems like Majority Element, Kth Row of Pascal's Triangle, and more to build a strong foundation for your technical interview prep.

Week 1 - Practice Problems to Start Strong

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Challenge yourself with problems like Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array, Palindrome String, and more to build your problem-solving skills.

Week 1- Leveling Up with Intermediate Problems

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Take on problems like Longest Increasing Subsequence, Evaluate Expression, and more to push yourself to the next level in your technical interview preparation.

Week 2 - Tackling Advanced Problems

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Solve problems like Gas Station, Merge Intervals, and more to hone your problem-solving skills and build your confidence for your upcoming technical interview.

Week 2 - Becoming a Problem-Solving Pro

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Tackle challenging topics like Dynamic Programming and Binary Trees with problems like Edit Distance and ZigZag Level Order Traversal BT.

Week 3 - Mastering Advanced Topics

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Prepare for your technical interview with problems like the Possibility of finishing all courses given pre-requisites, Minimize the absolute difference, and more.

Week 3 - Getting Ready for the Big Day

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Finish strong with problems like Unique Paths in a Grid, Sliding Window Maximum, and more to make sure you're ready for anything your technical interview throws your way.

Week 4 - Reaching the Peak of Your Preparation

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Pull together everything you've learned & practice with problems like Min Cost Path, Valid BST from Preorder, & more to showcase your problem-solving skills.

Week 4 - Putting It All Together

Ready to ace your next technical interview?

Ready to take your programming skills to the next level?

Look no further than InterviewBit's 4-Week Interview Preparation Kit- Packed with practice problems & coding challenges.

Step Up Your Game with InterviewBit Web Stories

Don't miss out on the chance to upskill yourself with IntervewBit's engaging web stories.