Tips and Best Practices

How to  Write Clean Code?

Use Descriptive Names

Make variable & function names descriptive for better code understanding. Use "namePhysician" instead of "name" & "getPhysicianName" instead of a vague function name.


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Use Empty Lines for Readability

Add empty lines to enhance code readability. Use them to separate functions, variable declarations, and returned values.

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Keep functions readable by avoiding more than three parameters. If needed, use objects and their keys instead.

Limit Parameters to Three


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Keep Functions Small

Prefer small, focused functions. If a function grows large, consider using a class instead.


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Reduce Line Length

Create code that fits your screen width for easy reading. Avoid long lines of code; use formatting tools like prettier.


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Minimize Comments

Use descriptive names to make code self-explanatory and reduce the need for comments. If needed, use comments sparingly.


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Write Descriptive Commit Messages

When making commits, provide informative messages for future reference. Avoid vague messages like "refactoring."


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Use Unit Tests and Test-Driven Development

Invest time in writing unit tests; they save time in the long run. Use Test-Driven Development for better problem-solving approaches.


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Learn Design Patterns

Study Design Patterns to leverage solutions to common software problems and avoid reinventing the wheel.


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Functions Must Do One Thing

Write functions that perform a single task. Avoid complex functions; use multiple short functions if necessary.


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