Iterative Model in Software Engineering

The Ultimate Solution

Are you tired of traditional software development methods that leave you stuck with a final product that doesn't meet your needs? Interactive Model is the solution. Lets explore→

Introduction to Iterative Model

A software development approach that breaks down major projects into smaller chunks. It starts with minimal requirements & builds upon them through iterations until final product is completed.

1. Requirement and Planning Stage  During this phase, business requirements are collected and analyzed for feasibility within budget. System information is gathered for evaluation.

Phases of Iterative Model

2. Design Stage  In this phase, project team uses diagrams to understand software design & proceeds with development. Developers come up with potential solutions. 

3. Coding Stage It's time to turn the blueprints into reality! The coding stage is where all the hard work of planning and designing comes to fruition as the system is brought to life with code.

1. Iterative paradigm prioritizes design over documentation.  2. Easily adaptable to changing project and client requirements.  3. More cost-effective to change requirements in comparison to other models.

Advantages of Iterative Model

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