List of Python Frameworks: Top Picks

Introduction to Python Frameworks

Collection of packages/modules that makes it easy to implement redundant tasks. Rather than worrying about protocol details, sockets, etc., developers can focus on application logic.

1. Bottle

This is mainly used for building APIs and is ideal for small applications. It relies only on the standard Python library, so programmers can work directly with the hardware.

2. Django

Based on the principle of 'DRYf', it comes with many built-in libraries, and the capability to migrate from one database to another. Django supports MySQL, Oracle, etc., by default.

3. Web2Py

A scalable and open-source framework that supports all operating systems. Web2Py provides a web-based IDE with features like a debugger, a code editor, and a one-click deployment.

4. Flask

A lightweight, micro-framework that is more adaptable because of its modular design. This framework allows developers to create robust web applications, which can be easily extended.

5. CherryPy

CherryPy is an object-oriented, open-source framework. This framework creates stand-alone Python applications with embedded multithreaded servers.

6. Aiohttp

A kind of asynchronous framework that can serve both as a client framework and as a server framework. It is based on Python 3.5+ features like async and await.

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