Register for live class on high-level design of ride-sharing apps!

Just 1-Click Away

Join for a live class on the high-level design of ride-sharing apps! Just 1-click away from learning the secrets behind the design of these popular apps.

Get the inside scoop on how popular ride-sharing apps handle high traffic and complexity with ease. Discover the secrets behind the uber-cool design of these apps with Amir Farzad's live class on January 7th at 5 PM PT.

About this Live Class

1. How to design foundations of ride-sharing apps & identify functional requirements of modern taxi sharing apps.  2. Understand system location-based system design concepts.

What you will gain from this Live Class?

3. Learn traffic estimation, database design, cache schema & architecture behind taxi sharing apps.  4. Use Geohash to convert the user's location & learn how proximity search can be implemented.

Don't miss out on the chance to earn a certificate from Anshuman Singh and Scaler Academy! Be sure to accurately enter your details when registering.

What's at stake?

STARTS ON: January 8, 2023 6:30 AM (IST)  ENDS ON: January 8, 2023 9:30 AM (IST)  DURATION: 3 Hours

Event Details-

What are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this chance to ride into the world of high-level design.