Are you an expert in OOPs?

Test Your Object-Oriented Programming Skills with MCQs!

A programming approach that combines data & functions into a single unit called an object, with the aim of improving reusability & maintainability in software development.

Introduction to OOPs

Features of OOPs

1. Data abstraction  The ability to hide complex implementation details of a class and present only necessary information to the outside world, making it easier to use.

2. Data Encapsulation  The ability to keep data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit, known as a class, to prevent unauthorized access & manipulation.

3. Classes and Objects  OOP is based on the concept of classes and objects, with classes serving as blueprints for creating objects that have their own data and behavior.

4. Inheritance  It allows classes to inherit properties & methods from other classes, enabling developers to create a hierarchy of classes with shared attributes & behaviors.

5. Polymorphism  It enables objects to take on multiple forms or behaviors, allowing the same method to be used in different contexts or with different data types.

6. Access Modifiers  They control the visibility & accessibility of class members such as properties and methods, ensuring that they can only be accessed by authorized code.

7. Constructors & Destructors  Constructors are special methods used to initialize objects when they are created, while destructors are used to clean up & release resources when objects are destroyed.

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