Software Engineering Principles

Guidelines to Follow

1. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

Keeping code simple without complicated structures is a smart move. Else, debugging and maintaining the code will be harder, and another programmer will have trouble understanding it.

2. DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

Don't repeat the same code multiple times. Otherwise, any code changes at one place will have to be made at another, requiring additional time and effort.

3. YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It)

Functionalities shouldn't be added unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, it might lead to a lot of rework and disorganized code.

4. BDUF (Big Design Upfront)

Developers need to design the project first, make the flow diagram, and then implement it. It helps identify issues at the requirements stage and resolve them quickly.

5. Law of Demeter

Objects should never know internal details of other objects. Loose coupling between software components is desired because it is more difficult to modify tightly coupled components.

6. Occam’s Razor

Don't create extra entities unless you need them. Before implementing a new method/class/tool/process, it's crucial to consider its benefits, else, it will result in more complexity.

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