Spiral Model in Software Engineering

A Quick Guide

As a combination of iterative and sequential linear development model, this model is best for projects that involves risk. No. of loops of spiral is unknown and vary based on project.

What is Spiral Model?

It involves gathering the business requirements and identifying, elaborating, and analyzing the objectives.

Different Phases of Spiral Model

1. Objectives determination and identify alternative solutions

Identify, estimate, and monitor technical feasibility and management risks associated with the project, such as schedule slippage and cost overruns and resolve using best strategy.

2. Identify and resolve Risks

Identified features are developed and verified through testing. Process may include benchmarking, simulation, and prototyping, followed by release of next version of software.

3. Develop the next version of the product

As soon as a cycle is completed, the next one is planned. The current version of the software is evaluated by customers.

4. Review and plan for the next phase

1. Projects that require frequent releases.  2. Projects that require changes any time.  3. Projects that are not feasible due to economic changes.  4. Projects with unclear requirements.

Uses of Spiral Model

1. Risk Handling  2. Good for large projects  3. Flexibility in Requirements  4. Customer Satisfaction

Advantages of Spiral Model

1. High cost  2. Dependence on risk analysis  3. More complex than other SDLC options  4. Hard to manage time

Limitations of Spiral Model

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