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            Dynamic Programming Interview Problem

Ready to crack DP interviews with ease?

DP is an essential topic for coding interviews, & mastering it can take your career to new heights. Are you struggling with DP interview questions? Let's explpre how to solve the DP problem ->

Introduction to Dynamic Programming

1. Recognize the beast  DP problems have a distinct pattern. Look for keywords like "minimum/maximum" or "longest/shortest." Recognizing the problem is the first step toward solving it.

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2. Variables, Variables Everywhere  Identify the variables in the problem. They could be anything from indices to the size of the input. Knowing the variables will help you write the recurrence relation.

Ready to crack DP interviews with ease?

3. Express yourself  Write a clear and concise recurrence relation. Use the variables you identified to express the problem in a mathematical equation.

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4. Base cases matter  Identify the base cases. They are the simplest possible inputs to the problem. Having base cases helps you terminate the recursion.

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5. Iterate or Recurse?  Decide whether to implement the problem iteratively or recursively. Iterative solutions are usually faster, but recursive solutions are easier to understand.

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6. Memoize to optimize  Add memoization to your solution. Memoization stores the results of previous calculations & avoids redundant calculations. It's a great way to optimize DP solutions.

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7. Time is of the essence  Determine the time complexity of your solution. It tells you how efficient your algorithm is. A good time complexity is O(n) or better.

Ready to crack DP interviews with ease?

Look no further than InterviewBit. With level-by-level problems and easy-to-understand concepts, you'll be a Dynamic Programming pro in no time.

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