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Operating System MCQs

A. Pre-emptive scheduling  B. Non-pre-emptive scheduling C. Deadline scheduling  D. None of the above

1. FIFO scheduling is a type of:

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A. Quick sharing OS  B. Time Sharing OS  C. Real-time OS  D. Batch OS

2. Which type of OS reads & reacts in terms of actual time?

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A. Stack  B. Program counter  C. Both A & B D. None

3. Threads are not shared among which of the following?

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A. exec  B. fork  C. longjmp  D. Ioctl

4. Identify the system calls that on termination does not return control to the calling point.

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A. fork  B. getpid  C. ioctl  D. open

5. Identify the call which never returns an error?

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A. send  B. kill  C. sigsend  D. none

6. Which of the following commands in UNIX is used to send a signal?

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A. True  B. False  C. Both depends on the data  D. None

7. The speed of writing data in magnetic tape disks is comparable to that of disk drives. State True/False.

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A. Dispatch B. Wakeup C. Block  D. None

8. Which of the following is the only state transition that is initiated by user process itself?

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A. one  B. two  C. three  D. four

9. How many minimum variables is/are required to share between processes, so as to solve critical section problem?

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A. Windows  B. Ms-DOS  C. MAC  D. None

10. Which of the following is a single user operating system?

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