In An Interview

“I Don’t Know”

The Right Way To Say 


As a job candidate, it's important to know how to handle questions you can't answer confidently.

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Take some time to think

Gather your thoughts and think through a strong answer before responding. It's acceptable to take a moment to breathe and compose yourself.


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Ask clarifying questions

If you're unsure or need more information, ask follow-up questions to better understand the question and formulate your answer.


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Know when to say “I don’t know"

If you're unsure or need more information, ask follow-up questions to better understand the question and formulate your answer.


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Never brush off the question or ramble

Avoid deflecting or making up answers. It's better to admit you don't know than to provide incorrect or irrelevant information.


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Take the opportunity to follow up

Use the unanswered question as a chance to show interest. Offer to research further and provide a thoughtful response after the interview.


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Remember the interviewer's intentions

Approach the interview as a two-way conversation, where you can ask questions and admit when you don't have all the answers.


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Don't be defensive, be prepared

Avoid going into the interview defensively. Instead, prepare to handle tough questions with composure and honesty.


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Embrace the two-way conversation

View the interview as an opportunity to engage in a meaningful conversation. Take your time, ask for clarification, & questions about company & position, & be genuine in your responses.


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Learn everything you need to know about technical interview preparation, from coding problems to interview rounds & questions, with InterviewBit.

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