Time and Space Complexity in Data Structures

A Quick Overview

Time complexity is the measurement of the time taken by an algorithm to execute its code based on the input size.

Ready to explore time complexity further?

What is Time Complexity?

The amount of memory space required by an algorithm during its execution, including the fixed part needed to store data & variables that are not dependent on the problem size.

What is Space Complexity?

Ready to explore space complexity further?

1. Big O(expression)- It is used to analyze the worst-case time complexity of an algorithm by evaluating the growth rate of a set of functions with respect to the expression.

Asymptotic Notations

Ready to become an expert in time complexity analysis?

2. Omega(expression)- It defines the best-case time complexity of an algorithm by examining the growth rate of a set of functions with respect to the expression.

Want to enhance your algorithm's performance?

3. Theta(expression)- It analyzes the average-case time complexity of an algorithm by analyzing if a set of functions lies between upper & lower bounds defined by Big O(expression) & Omega(expression).

Want to optimize your algorithm's efficiency?

How to calculate the time complexity?

1. Insertion Sort    Best Case- Ω(n)   Worst Case- O(n^2)  Space Complexity- O(1)

Time Complexity of Sorting Algorithms

2. Merge Sort   Best Case- Ω(nlogn)  Worst Case- O(nlogn)  Space Complexity- O(n)

How to calculate the time complexity?

1. Linear Search   Best Case- Ω(1)   Worst Case- O(n)  Space Complexity- O(1)

Time Complexity of Searching Algorithms

How to calculate the time complexity?

2. Binary Search    Best Case- Ω(1)   Worst Case- O(log n)  Space Complexity- O(1)

How to calculate the time complexity?

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