Advanced C                Programs asked in the Interview


C program to get the higher and lower nibble of a byte without using shift operator.


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C program to check if it is a palindrome number or not using a recursive method.

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C program to check the given number format is in binary or not.

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C Program to find a sum of digits of a number using recursion.

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C program to check whether the number is EVEN or ODD, without using any arithmetic or relational operators.

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C Program to find the node at which the intersection of two singly linked lists begins.

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C Program to check for Balanced Parentheses using Stack.

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C Program to reverse the Linked List. Input: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL Output: 5->4->3->2->1->NULL.

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C Program to add two numbers without using the addition operator.

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Looking for more C Interview Questions  to Prepare for?

C Program to find a sum of digits of a number using recursion.


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