Top 10 Algorithms to Crack Coding Interviews

A Quick Overview

Cracking coding interviews requires thorough preparation, including understanding various algorithms. Let's explore the top 10 algorithms that can help you ace coding interviews --->>

Want to crack your coding interview?

How to crack coding interviews?

Sorting is crucial for coding interviews, with frequently asked algorithms like merge sort and quick sort. Understanding time complexities is key.

1. Sorting

Ready to learn different sorting techniques?

Sliding window approach is a scoring topic in coding interviews. Be prepared to tackle questions involving maximum sums and size constraints.

Ready to master the sliding window approach?

2. Sliding Window

Hashing questions, especially hash maps, are must-know algorithms for coding interviews. Learn the theory of hashing and practice at least 10-12 questions for good practice.

Ready to master hashing techniques?

3. Hashing

Binary search questions can be challenging, but identifying them is key. Thoroughly practice the algorithm to tackle questions involving maximizing/minimizing.

Ready to master binary search algorithm?

4. Binary Search Algorithm

Recursion are generally on the tougher side of coding interviews. Practicing recursion can help with questions related to trees, graphs, dynamic programming, & linear strings.

Ready to master recursion?

5. Recursion

Reversing a linked list has varying questions and various approaches. Learning how to reverse linked lists is considered very important for mastering linked lists.

Ready to master linked lists?

6. Reversing a Linked List

Understanding tree traversal concepts, including inorder, preorder, and postorder, is crucial for mastering trees. Practice 10-20 tree questions to ace your coding interviews.

Ready to master tree traversal?

7. Tree Traversal

Graph algorithms, such as DFS & BFS, are crucial for solving graph-related problems. Proper study and practice of these algorithms are crucial to success.

Ready to master graph algorithms?

8. Graph Algorithms

DP can be an advanced concept, but practicing recursion can help ease the fear of it. Writing brute-force recursion and memoization can help with DP questions.

Ready to master DP questions?

9. Dynamic Programming

A crucial concept in coding interviews, including heap building, sorting, heapify, and STL usage. Learning the theory and application can aid in problem-solving.

Read to master priority queue?

10. Priority Queue

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